Tannin tea color of blackwater rivers

A major feature of coastal plain blackwater rivers is their tea color, ranging from yellow to red, from tannins from oak trees. Pretty close to it is the background color of this paragraph, RGB #FF9933, or 0 40 80 0 CMYK, or Pantone Solid Coated 1375 C. Here are some examples from three of WWALS’ rivers.

Come see for yourself at upcoming WWALS outings, such as:

Alapaha River

18 January 2014 upstream from Statenville Boat Ramp, pictures by Bret Wagenhorst:

2009, south of Lakeland, picture by Bret Wagenhorst:

Alapahoochee River

Statenville to Sasser Landing WWALS Outing pictures by Bret Wagenhorst 2015-02-15.

Withlacoochee River

Withlacoochee River from Nankin Landing to GA 31, 22 June 2013, pictures by John S. Quarterman.


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