Monthly Archives: June 2015

Statenville to Sasser Landing with Turket Creek Waterfall -jsq @ WWALS 2015-02-15

It was a nice day with current on the Alapaha River from 300x180 Selfie Turket, in Statenville to Sasser Landing on the Alapaha River, by John S. Quarterman, for, 15 February 2015 Statenville to Sasser Landing 15 February 2015, with a side trip up the Alapahoochee River to the famous Turket Creek Waterfall. This morning WWALS continues from Sasser Landing to Jennings Bluff, plus a walk up the Dead River to the sink where the Alapaha River goes underground. Continue reading

WWALS becomes a Waterkeeper Affiliate


WWALS Watershed Coalition becomes a Waterkeeper Affiliate to Patrol and Protect the Withlacoochee and Alapaha Rivers and all their tributaries.

WATERKEEPER(r) ALLIANCE logo Adel, (June 12, 2015) — The Waterkeeper Alliance Board of Directors approved WWALS Watershed Coalition, Inc. as a Waterkeeper Affiliate on June 4th, 2015. WWALS Watershed Coalition, a Waterkeeper Affiliate, will work to conserve our central south Georgia and north Florida watersheds by combining firsthand knowledge of the watersheds with an unwavering commitment to the rights of the community and to the rule of law.

“Waterkeeper Alliance is thrilled to have WWALS as the eyes, ears, and voice for this vital watershed and community,” said Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Waterkeeper Alliance President. “Every Continue reading

The Alapaha River Corridor: a high priority wildlife landscape feature

Interesting find by Heather in the State Wildlife Action Plan, July 31, 2015, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division, featuring the newly-scientifically-recognized Suwannee River alligator snapping turtle. Maybe we’ll see one on the WWALS outing this Sunday from Sasser Landing to Jennings Bluff, and you can preview some of the vegetation mentioned in Julie Bowland’s pictures.

Alapaha River Corridor

The Alapaha River is a nonalluvial (blackwater) river in the Gulf Coastal Plain of Georgia. The Alapaha River corridor includes significant upland habitats associated with sandhill environments. This system includes longleaf pine-scrub oak woodlands, old-growth dwarf pondcypress swamps, mesic hardwood bluffs, and depression ponds. High priority species associated with these habitats include striped newt, gopher frog, gopher tortoise, spotted turtle, eastern indigo snake, eastern diamondbacked rattlesnake, tiger salamander, silky camellia, and pondspice. The Alapaha River is inhabited by the Suwannee River alligator snapping turtle, a distinct, newly described species that is rarer in Georgia than the species found in other drainages. (Note: this conservation landscape spans the Southeastern Plains and Southern Coastal Plain.

Fortunately, the Alapaha River has no Continue reading

Local recharge through sinkholes and drainage wells moves underground

With the artesian level as much as 100 feet above sea level and the land surface is seldom more than 200 feet, a Sabal Trail pipeline drilling frac-out wouldn’t have to go far to get into the Floridan Aquifer groundwater used by wells around here. We already saw such water contamination would go underground is hard to predict. This is not news: here’s a paper from 1966 with the main points.

Artesian Water in Tertiary Limestone in the Southeastern States, By V. T. Stringfield, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 517, 1966. Continue reading

Exploring the Alapaha River

Julie Bowland explored ahead the Alapaha River where we’ll be boating this Sunday June 14th, from Sasser Landing to Jennings Bluff.

300x300 Near Jennings, FL, in Exploring the Alapaha River, by Julie Bowland, 10 June 2015 This afternoon I explored the Alapaha River just a bit. It is only about 30 miles away, but kind of remote, mysterious and beautiful. Sunday I plan to kayak-the first image is the put in, the others about 3-4 miles downstream at Jennings Bluff. There seems to be plenty of water in it, but it is a twisty dark water river with steep banks, so I’m taking the kayak not canoe.

More pictures by Julie Bowland: Continue reading