Monthly Archives: June 2015

Pipeline corrosion: seawater and acid blackwater rivers in the fragile karst limestone Floridan Aquifer

Who could have suspected that corrosion caused the crude oil pipeline rupture still pollution California’s coastline from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles, according to PHMSA’s amended corrective order as reported by Giana Magnoli, Noozhawk, Santa Barbara, 3 June 2015?

Right after TransCanada Keystone 1 Pipeline Suffered Major Corrosion Only Two Years In Operation, 95% Worn In One Spot, as reported Julie Dermansky, Desmogblog, 30 April 2015?

Both pipeline companies claimed they used cathodic protection, which is supposed to detect and prevent such leaks.

Kinder Morgan, proposing to gouge its Palmetto petroleum products pipeline across South Carolina and the Georgia coast to Jacksonville, also claims to use cathodic protection and other measures, yet is no stranger to many incidents of corrosion and leaks.

There’s lots more evidence that such preventative measures don’t work, and often aren’t even applied, not for oil pipelines and not for fracked methane (“natural gas”) pipelines. You can sign the petition to help stop Texas pipelines from invading Georgia. Continue reading

Petition GA Gov. Deal to oppose Sabal Trail pipeline

Please sign this petition to Please Ban The Sabal Trail Fracked Gas Pipeline.

Congratulations to Push Back the Pipeline for convincing GA Gov. Deal and Lt. Gov. Cagle to oppose Kinder Morgan’s Palmetto Project and the Georgia Dept. of Transportation to deny KMI a permit.

Now it’s time for the same for the Sabal Trail Pipeline. The permitting process is different, but opposition from the state of Georgia could stop this invader, too.

While Sabal Trail has moved off our Withlacoochee River in Florida, it still wants to cross the Withlacoochee in Georgia at the Continue reading

WWALS Goals for 2015

Boating on our rivers and water trails for them, issues and education: you can help with the fun and work of WWALS! Here’s much of what can be done laid out in a list of a dozen WWALS Goals for 2015. The board has at least one opening right now, and the committees always could use more members. You can apply through the online form.

See also the monthly newsletter, the news about WWALS, and of course the website with blog, facebook the page and group, and WWALS on twitter, Youtube, and the membership google group. You can become a member or corporate sponsor of WWALS online right now.

The WWALS Executive Committee 11 March 2015 recommended Continue reading

Brochures for Alapaha River Water Trail

Hot off the presses, a card, brochure, and map all in one for the Alapaha River Water Trail!

If you want some copies, send email to wwalswatershed at and we’ll arrange to get them to you. Here’s WWALS board member Chris Mericle displaying the new brochure next to the WWALS banner: Continue reading