Urgent call against fracking by Sierra Club Florida

Received today.


The fracking bill—SB 318—is scheduled for a vote in the Senate Appropriation Committee this Thursday, February 25.

We expect a close vote and need your help to stop the bill in this Committee.

If your State Senator is one of the 19 members of the Senate Appropriations Committee on the list below, please call him/her on now. Say that you live in the Senator’s district, and that you vote.

Ask him/her to vote NO on fracking bill SB 318.

Members of Florida Senate Appropriations Committee:

Sen. Thad Altman 850-487-5016
Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto 850-487-5030
Sen. Anitere Flores 850-487-5037
Sen. Don Gaetz 850-487-5001
Sen. Bill Galvano 850-487-5026
Sen. Rene Garcia 850-487-5038
Sen. Denise Grimsley 850-487-5021
Sen. Alan Hays 850-487-5011
Sen. Dorothy Hukill 850-487-5008
Sen. Arthenia Joyner 850-487-5019
Sen. Jack Latvala 850-487-5020
Sen. Tom Lee 850-487-5024
Sen. Gwen Margolis 850-487-5035
Sen. Bill Montford 850-487-5003
Sen. Joe Negron 850-487-5032
Sen. Garrett Richter 850-487-5023
Sen. Jeremy Ring 850-487-5029
Sen. David Simmons 850-487-5010
Sen. Christopher Smith 850-487-5031

The bill, backed by the oil and gas industry, not only would enable the dangerous drilling practice in places like the Everglades, but would force local communities to accept it. HB191 (companion to SB 318) passed the full House of Representatives on January 27 by a vote 73-45. We need to defeat the bill in the Senate to stop it.

Thank you for all you do to protect Florida’s environment.

Dave Cullen, Lobbyist
Sierra Club Florida

Read more: What is Fracking and what is wrong with SB 318?

Talking Points:

Definition of Fracking
The narrow definition of fracking in SB 318 excludes the acid-matrix stimulation technique most likely to be used in Florida. That means none of the permitting, or the study, or the rules will affect acidizations in the least—even though the same toxic cocktail will be injected into the ground.

The bill preempts counties and cities from regulating or banning fracking. It deprives citizens of their ability to protect themselves from contaminated water supply and its health impacts.

Trade Secrets
The trade secrets provision means families won’t even be able to find out what chemicals are being used.

PS: Be sure to take action and share this on Facebook and Twitter!

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