Tally of votes smashing Sabal Trail easements in SR 954 2016-03-22

Here’s who voted which way when Sabal Trail lost in a landslide against its easements to drill under our Withlacoochee River and Okapilco Creek and other rivers and creeks in Georgia. SR-954-votes-in-the-House 3.0000000, 0.0000000 Thanks to Bentley, Harden, Houston, Pirkle, Powell, Rynders, Sharper, Shaw, Spencer, and Watson for voting Nay against that pipeline river-drilling boondoggle. And Carter, Corbett, and LaRiccia, well, thanks for listening, I guess.

I’ve added boldface those whose district is in the direct Sabal Trail path or who represents the seat of a county that is and italics for others whose districts are at least partly in WWALS watersheds. Both are in larger type and underlined.


First and by far most important was the vote to adopt SR 954, which was stomped like a bug.

SR 954
REGULAR SESSION 03/22/16 3:22 PM
34 YEAS      128 NAYS      11 N/V      7 EXC

N Abrams
N Alexander
N Allison
N Atwood
N Ballinger
N Barr
X Battles
N Beasley-Teague
E Belton
N Bennett. K
N Bennett, T
N Bentley

Y Benton
Y Beskin
X Beverly
E Blackmon
N Broadrick
N Brockway
N Bruce
E Bryant
N Buckner
N Burns
N Caldwell, J
N Caldwell, M
X Cannon
N Cantrell
Y Carson
Y Carter, A

N Carter, D
N Casas
Y Chandler
Y Cheokas
N Clark, D
N Clark, H
N Clark, V
N Coleman
N Cooke
Y Coomer
N Cooper
Y Corbett

N Dawkins-Haiqler
Y Deffenbaugh
N Dempsey
N Dickerson
Y Dickey
N Dickson
N Dollar
N Douglas

N Drenner
N Dudgeon
N Dukes
Y Dunahoo
N Duncan
X Ealum
N Efstration
N Ehrhart
Y England
Y Epps
N Evans
Y Fleming
N Floyd
N Fludd
N Frazier
N Frye
N Gardner
N Gasaway
N Gilligan
N Glanton
N Golick
N Gordon
N Gravley
N Greene
N Harden

N Harrell
Y Hatchett
X Hawkins
N Henson
N Hightower
N Hitchens
N Holcomb
Y Holmes
N Houston

N Howard
N Hugley
N Jackson
N Jasperse
X Jones, J
N Jones, J.B.
N Jones, L
N Jones, S
N Jordan
N Kaiser
N Kelley
N Kendrick
N Kidd
N Kirby

N Knight
Y LaRiccia

N Lott
N Lumsden
N Mabra
N Marin
Y Martin
Y Maxwell
E Mayo
N McCall
E McClain
E Meadows
N Metze
N Mitchell
N Morris
N Mosby
Y Nimmer
N Nix
N Oliver
N Pak
N Parrish
Y Parsons
Y Peake
N Petrea
N Pezold
N Pirkle

N Powell, A
N Powell, J

N Price
N Prince
Y Pruett
N Quick
N Raffensperger
Y Rakestraw
Y Ramsey
N Randall
N Reeves
Y Rhodes
Y Rice
Y Rogers, C
Y Rogers, T
N Rutledge
N Rynders

N Scott
N Setzler
N Sharper

N Shaw

Y Sims

N Smith, E
N Smith, L
N Smith, M
N Smith, R
X Smyre
N Spencer

X Stephens, M
X Stephens, R
N Stephenson
N Stovall
N Stover
N Strickland
N Tankersley
N Tanner
N Tarvin
N Taylor, D
Y Taylor, T
N Teasley
N Thomas, A.M,
N Thomas, E
N Trammell
N Turner
X Waites
N Watson

Y Welch
N Weldon
N Werkheiser
N Wilkerson
Y Wilkinson
Y Willard
N Williams, A
N Williams, C
E Williams, E
N Williamson
N Yates

X Ralston,Speaker



Then was a vote to reconsider, which sent it back to the Rules Committee, which later voted to revert to the version from the Georgia Senate, which did not have the Sabal Trail easements in it. By that plan, Thursday there should be a vote on SR 954 with easements for Georgia Power and the EMC, but no easements for Sabal Trail. And Thursday is the last day the legislature meets this year.

SR 954
REGULAR SESSION 03/22/16 3:23 PM
146 YEAS      17 NAYS      10 N/V      7 EXC

Y Abrams
Y Alexander
N Allison
Y Atwood
Y Ballinger
N Barr
X Battles
N Beasley-Teague
E Belton
N Bennett. K
Y Bennett, T
Y Bentley

Y Benton
Y Beskin
Y Beverly
E Blackmon
N Broadrick
Y Brockway
Y Bruce
E Bryant
Y Buckner
Y Burns
Y Caldwell, J
Y Caldwell, M
X Cannon
Y Cantrell
Y Carson
Y Carter, A

Y Carter, D
Y Casas
Y Chandler
Y Cheokas
Y Clark, D
Y Clark, H
Y Clark, V
Y Coleman
N Cooke
Y Coomer
Y Cooper
Y Corbett

Y Dawkins-Haiqler
Y Deffenbaugh
Y Dempsey
Y Dickerson
Y Dickey
Y Dickson
Y Dollar
Y Douglas

Y Drenner
Y Dudgeon
Y Dukes
Y Dunahoo
Y Duncan
X Ealum
Y Efstration
Y Ehrhart
Y England
Y Epps
Y Evans
Y Fleming
X Floyd
Y Fludd
Y Frazier
Y Frye
x Gardner
Y Gasaway
Y Gilligan
Y Glanton
Y Golick
Y Gordon
Y Gravley
Y Greene
Y Harden

Y Harrell
Y Hatchett
X Hawkins
Y Henson
Y Hightower
Y Hitchens
Y Holcomb
Y Holmes
Y Houston

N Howard
Y Hugley
Y Jackson
Y Jasperse
X Jones, J
Y Jones, J.B.
Y Jones, L
Y Jones, S
Y Jordan
Y Kaiser
Y Kelley
N Kendrick
Y Kidd
Y Kirby

Y Knight
Y LaRiccia

Y Lott
Y Lumsden
Y Mabra
Y Marin
Y Martin
Y Maxwell
E Mayo
Y McCall
E McClain
E Meadows
Y Metze
Y Mitchell
Y Morris
Y Mosby
Y Nimmer
Y Nix
N Oliver
Y Pak
Y Parrish
Y Parsons
Y Peake
Y Petrea
N Pezold
Y Pirkle

N Powell, A
Y Powell, J

N Price
Y Prince
X Pruett
Y Quick
Y Raffensperger
Y Rakestraw
Y Ramsey
Y Randall
Y Reeves
Y Rhodes
Y Rice
Y Rogers, C
Y Rogers, T
Y Rutledge
Y Rynders

Y Scott
Y Setzler
Y Sharper

Y Shaw

Y Sims

Y Smith, E
Y Smith, L
N Smith, M
Y Smith, R
X Smyre
Y Spencer

Y Stephens, M
X Stephens, R
Y Stephenson
Y Stovall
Y Stover
Y Strickland
Y Tankersley
Y Tanner
N Tarvin
Y Taylor, D
Y Taylor, T
Y Teasley
Y Thomas, A.M,
Y Thomas, E
Y Trammell
Y Turner
X Waites
Y Watson

Y Welch
Y Weldon
Y Werkheiser
N Wilkerson
Y Wilkinson
Y Willard
Y Williams, A
Y Williams, C
E Williams, E
Y Williamson
N Yates

X Ralston,Speaker

Here are more things you can do to stop the Sabal “Sinkhole” Trail boondoggle, and reasons why to do so.


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