Once again, Suwannee County follows Hamilton County’s lead.
Carl McKinney, Suwannee Democrat, 1 April 2016, Suwannee County Commission to discuss Sabal Trail sinkholes,
At its next meeting, the commission will consider sending a letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which must issue a permit for the pipeline project.
The letter would mimic one Hamilton County recently voted to send, said Suwannee County Commissioner Wesley Wainwright.
Wainwright asked to have a discussion on Suwannee County sending a similar letter.
There were discrepancies between documentation provided by Sabal Trail and what he saw when he visited the route, he said.
The Suwannee County Commission attended a workshop in February, where they traveled to the spot where the Sabal Trail pipeline would cross the Suwannee River. Though Wainwright didn’t attend that workshop, he later visited different parts of the route, he said.
According to Sabal Trail, there are no active sinkholes in a close proximity to the pipeline path.
However, Wainwright said, there is a sinkhole within around 75 feet of the route.
“It was closer than what had been described in the Sabal Trail outline,” he said. “Significantly closer.”
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hasn’t issued its final permit yet, Wainwright said.
The letter would ask the corps to go out and look at that particular area, near the Suwannee River State Park….
Several local residents, in addition to environmental groups, oppose the pipeline. One of the concerns, which has been brought up repeatedly by groups such as WWALS Watershed Coalition, is the sensitive nature of Florida’s geology….
The Suwannee County Commission have its next meeting 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Suwannee County Judicial Annex, 218 Parshley St. SW.
Be there if you can.
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