Interested in organizing paddle outings, water quality testing, invasive species monitoring, speakers at events indoors, or water trail brochures and signs?
Want to find out more about Valdosta wastewater, fracking, pipelines, or corporate agriculture, or help map all that?
Want to help WWALS write grant applcations or attract more members?
You can apply to join a WWALS committee! There are always openings on committees, and you may even want to chair one. Follow the link above for the application form.
If you want to help organize all that, you can apply to join the WWALS board! Several slots are open. Follow the link above for the application form.
In less than two weeks, 7PM July 13th 2016 at the IHOP in Adel, is the annual WWALS Member Meeting with election of board members, followed that same evening by the quarterly WWALS Board Meeting.
Most of the committee and board business is done via email lists, with occasional teleconferences and in-person meetings.
We paddle our rivers or lakes on outings at least once every month. The next ones scheduled are:
- 8AM Saturday July 9th 2016, Nankin to Madison Highway, Withlacoochee River, about 5 hours, past several springs and shoals.
- 8AM Saturday August 13th 2016, Roline to Cypress Creek, Suwannee River, about 4 hours, said to be one of the prettiest parts of the iconic Suwannee River in Florida.
Watch the WWALS calendar or facebook events or meetup for more outings as they are announced.
These outings are free, but we encourage you to join WWALS to help with all these activities and advocacy.
We are planning more indoor events, with speakers, probably about monthly. You can join the Events Committee to help.
And maybe we’ll see you in Adel July 13th.
You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!
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