Daily Archives: April 26, 2017

Charlie Walker dried off in time on KIX 99.5 FM for the BIG Little River Paddle Race 2017-04-26

Last year paddling the Withlacoochee River Charlie Walker fell in before we got to Langdale Park, but he’s dried off now and ready for the BIG Little River Paddle Race.

Movie: Charlie Walker and BLPR (75M) As we discussed this morning on KIX 99.5 FM, come on down to Reed Bingham State Park between Adel and Moultrie Saturday morning at 8AM, and stay for the the grilled lunch and the silent auction. You do not have to train by paddline upstream; you can just paddle the excellent course three miles downstream past cypress, pines, great blue herons, turtles, and fish. Charlie Walker, 99.5 KIX Country Don’t pet the alligators and they won’t bother you.

Remember to register online or at the event Saturday morning. And you can get tickets for the kayak raffle, either at the race or online!

Here’s the video. Continue reading

Video: BLPR and Neighbor Steve Nichols, WVGA 105.9 FM 2017-04-26

You don’t have to race, but some paddlers are training big-time, so come on down 8AM Saturday morning to Red Roberts Landing Movie: Steve Nichols and BLPR (87M) for the BIG Little River Paddle Race, the grilled lunch, and the silent auction.

The Little River is so low that if you fall in, you can just stand up.

Remember to register online or at the event Saturday morning.

Here’s the video: Continue reading

FL Sen. Nelson to EPA about Valdosta sewage and response

Here is a letter from Florida Senator Bill Nelson to the EPA about the Valdosta wastewater situation, and the EPA’s response, which was underwhelming.

A suggestion: say what it is you’d like the EPA, GA-EPD, FDEP, etc. to actually do. And what I’d suggest is get them all to fund and implement regular, frequent, closely spaced, water quality monitoring along all the rivers in the Suwannee River Basin. That way we’d know where pollution is coming from, we’d be able to calibrate what cities including Valdosta say from their own monitoring, and we’d have baselines to compare to.

Sen. Bill Nelson to EPA

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