Sabal Trail with gas flowing needs even more watching

The fracked methane gas flowing has provided more evidence that there is no need for Sabal Trail. Now more than ever, you can watch that pipeline like a hawk, work on revoking its permits, and help stop FERC from rubberstamping any more boondoggles.

Jamie Wachter, Suwannee Democrat, 27 June 2017 (also Waterkeeper Alliance 28 June 2017, and Valdosta Daily Times page 8A 28 June 2017 but apparently not online), Gas now flowing through Sabal Trail pipeline,

Police blocking the public
Photo: Beth Gammie for WWALS, Suwannee County, Florida, 14 January 2017
Is this a good use of Florida local and state law enforcement?
Protecting an invading, unnecessary, pipeline from the unarmed public?

The pipeline’s first phase is supposed to provide service to Florida Power & Light to meet the start of its peak cooling season, Grover said.

Note Ms. Grover’s careful phrasing “to meet the start of its peak cooling season”. She’s backed off from Sabal Trail’s previous claim that its gas was needed to meet peak summer demand, perhaps because, as WWALS spelled out before the gas was turned on, and as an analyst on a leading stock blog has now determined because the gas is flowing, there was no need for Sabal Trail; all it is doing is reducing gas flowing through FGT and Gulfstream with no net increase into Florida.

Row of Florida state trooper vehicles
Photo: Beth Gammie for WWALS, Suwannee County, FL, 14 January 2017
All those state trooper vehicles to defend an out-of-state pipeline

Sabal Trail has been a controversial topic since its inception in 2013, particularly with water and nature groups who have voiced concerns over the affect a leak could have on Florida’s aquifer.

Florida state trooper siding with drillers and pipeliners from other states
Photo: Beth Gammie for WWALS, 14 January 2017, Sabal Trail HDD site, Suwannee County, Florida
Who all those local, state, and federal police were protecting:
drillers and pipeliners from somewhere else.
Southeast Directional Drilling is based in Arizona and of course Spectra Energy is from Texas and Alberta, now even more Canadian since Enbridge bought them.

24th Street at Sabal Trail RoW, 12:57 PM,
So say we all: Revoke Sabal Trail Permits!
Photograph taken 12:57 PM, January 14, 2017 by Beth Gammie for WWALS from Southwings flight piloted by Roy Zimmer, navigated by Can Denizman. You may reuse this picture provided you cite the source: Beth Gammie for WWALS Watershed Coalition.

Suwannee County was the site of numerous protests with Suwannee State Park shutting its gates after reaching capacity during a January protest near where the pipeline was crossing the Suwannee River. Two days later, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, eight protesters were arrested at the park.

On June 9, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission gave Sabal Trail the go-ahead to begin that first phase and less than a week later the gas was turned on.

Boats approaching HDD site
Meanwhile WWALS and other boats approach the pipeline path on the Suwannee River
Photo: Beth Gammie for WWALS on Southwings flight, 14 January 2017

John S. Quarterman, the Suwannee Riverkeeper with the WWALS Watershed Coalition, said at that time that the group’s battle against the pipeline would continue.

“Even with Sabal Trail, the fight is not over,” Quarterman said. “The case brought against FERC by Sierra Club, Flint Riverkeeper, and Chattahoochee Riverkeeper has not been decided. Even if the gas keeps flowing, we all have to watch for sinkholes, leaks, polluted wells and explosions.”

Many groups and individuals continue to fight on the ground, the air, and the water, against crony capitalist eminent domain, destruction, and hazards, and for solar power now in the Sunshine State and with wind to power the world. Here are things you can do.

Heading downstream
Suwannee Riverkeeper vessel on the Suwannee River with John S. Quarterman and Lynne Buchanan
Photo: Tom H. Johnson Jr., Suwannee River, 14 January 2017

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

One thought on “Sabal Trail with gas flowing needs even more watching

  1. Pingback: Sabal Trail starts stagecoach line in an electric car world 2017-07-05 | WWALS Watershed Coalition (Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®)

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