Monthly Archives: June 2017
Florida on front lines against Sabal Trail –Truthout 2017-06-08
Includes details of a demonstration tomorrow morning organized by Sabal Trail Resistance.
Alexis Bonogofsky, Truthout, 8 June 2017, “This State Is on the Front Lines”: Floridians Mobilize Against Sabal Trail Natural Gas Pipeline,
Pete Ackerman, 66, and Kaithleen Hernandez, 21, sit together in a small house in Dunnellon, Florida, with maps and documents splayed out on the walls and the tables around them. They are planning a demonstration for June 9, 2017, which will take place at a large industrial gas compression facility called the Central Florida Hub Compression Station, in Davenport, Florida, 100 miles south of Dunnellon. Ackerman rented the house to serve as an “action center” for those organizing against the large natural gas pipelines being constructed through the southeast United States. They call it the Water is Life House.
Sabal Trail Reunion Compressor Station
Mark Skogman for WWALS on Southwings flight, 2 February 2017
“The location of the demonstration on Friday is symbolic,” Hernandez tells Truthout. “It’s where the Sabal Trail pipeline hooks into the Florida Southeast Connection pipeline. It’s where they are going to turn the gas on. This compression station is the biggest one along the route. You can hear it for miles away.”
When: 10AM – 4PM, Friday, June 9, 2017
Where: 6525 Osceola Polk Line Rd, Davenport, FL 33896-9315
Event: facebook, hosted by Sabal Trail Resistance (STR)
Later in the article:
John Quarterman, head of the WWALS Watershed Coalition Continue reading
Colorado Riverkeepet on the screen
25 new waterkeeper organizations
A room full of new Waterkeepers
WWALS adds evidence, again asks FERC to stay Sabal Trail, revoke its permit, plus do a SEIS 2017-06-05
June 5, 2017, Hahira, GA — Citing the sea change of solar power overtaking natural gas in new U.S. electricity last year, and generational damage to the fields of farmers such as Randy Dowdy, WWALS Watershed Coalition today filed more evidence and reasons to stop the Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline from going into service and to revoke its permit. WWALS filed the same Monday that Sabal Trail Friday asked FERC to authorize turning on the gas. Plus WWALS explicitly requested FERC do a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) to take into account LNG export from Sabal Trail, copious environmental permit violations, and especially new scientific evidence about the Floridan Aquifer.
Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman said: “Such irreparable harm outweighs a few billion dollars spent in error by a few companies.”
And that’s without even getting into risks to education, such as
Sabal Trail only a mile from Clyattville Elementary School.
WWALS filed the document today with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The WWALS cover letter is included below in this message, and the FERC filing is available online.
WWALS wrote in Attachment 1:
“Solar power has actually more than doubled every two years since 2013. Yet FERC only counts utility-scale solar power. Adding rooftop and community solar panels, already a sea change has occurred.
Continue reading
Suwannee-Satilla RWPC meeting, Fitzgerald, GA 2017-06-05
The Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Planning Council is holding its next meeting for the
Review and Revision of the Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Plan
at the following date, time, and location:Monday, June 5, 2017
Registration: 10:00 A.M. – 10:30 A.M.
Meeting: 10:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.
Fitzgerald-Ben Hill
Chamber of Commerce
121 E. Pine Street
Fitzgerald, GA 31750For additional information about the Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Planning Council, please contact: Cliff Lewis, Georgia EPD Watershed Protection Branch, (229) 391-2410 or
Here is the agenda: Continue reading
Winners, BIG Little River Paddle Race 2017-04-29
Adel, Georgia, June 4, 2017 — Dwight Griner of Berrien County, Georgia won for the fifth time. A dozen other boats received prizes, as a record number of people paddled in the Fifth Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race, April 29, 2017. Tifton and Tift County had the most paddlers, but the awards show more boats from Moultrie and Colquitt County. Lowndes had the second most paddlers, and there were two people each from Cook and from far-away Houston and Harris Counties, and one from Thomas County.
This year’s BLRPR included three popular new attractions: Continue reading
U.S. Chamber wants FERC nominees approved 2017-05-31
The key phrase is actually exactly why FERC nominees should not be approved:
“…but of increasingly vital importance, also oversees the permitting and construction of natural gas pipelines, gas storage projects, and liquefied natural gas terminals.”
Funny how the Chamber didn’t mention fracking or LNG export. We don’t need more pipelines taking people’s property and risking our water and lives for the profit of a few fossil fuel executives cashing out before their industry goes belly-up.
WWALS recommends a swift vote to deny these FERC nominees and any others who do not vow to “to develop the new energy infrastructure necessary to ensure future domestic energy security” by rapidly deploying sun and wind power with no more new pipelines. Please call your Senators or members of that Committee to recommend they get on with real renewable energy, not 20th century fossil fuel stranded assets.
U.S. Chamber letter to U.S. Senate Energy Committee
Continue readingCoal Ash movie and panel discussion, Live Oak, FL 2017-06-09
Come to Live Oak, Florida next Friday to see a movie and a panel discussion about Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign, which was instrumental in promoting solar power in Georgia, in closing coal plants, and now in dealing with coal ash. WWALS Executive Director Gretchen Quarterman will be on the panel. Thanks to SSJSCNFWG for organizing this.
When: June 9, 2017 Doors open 6:00 pm Film starts at 7:00 pm
Live Oak Woman’s Club
1308 11th Street SW, Live Oak, Fl 32064
Free Admission and Refreshments
What: An advanced screening of the new documentary film “From The Ashes” followed by a panel discussion
Organized By: Continue reading