See three sinks, a waterfall, and a distributary in these videos from the
WWALS Outing to Turket Creek Waterfall, the Alapahoochee River,
the Alapaha River Sink, and the Dead River Sink, June 14, 2015.
A WWALS video playlist
follows the links to each video below.
Update 2022-11-26: The Jennings Gauge read 62.45′ NAVD88.
Getting Ready at Sasser Landing
Boat into water
Alapahoochee River Bank
Alapahoochee River Confluence
Chris Graham showering, Turket Creek
Julie Bowman, Turket Creek
Lisa showering , Turket Creek
Directions to sinks and siphons
CR 150 bridge, Alapaha River
Birds under CR 150 bridge, Alapaha River
Floating down the Alapaha River
First Alapaha River siphon
Yellow sand, Alapaha River
Second Alapaha River siphon
Chris Graham in the Devil’s Den
Circular marks on the siphon
Floating, Alapaha River
Tannic acid tea-colored Alapaha River water
Siphon under big tupelo tree
Dead River Confluence
Dead River Landing
Who fell in the Dead River?
Down the Dead River
If we walk over there, on the Dead River
Into the Dead River Sink
Like a floating lecture on the Alapaha River
Beached on the Alapaha River
A creek on the Alapaha River
Here’s a LAKE video playlist:
Sasser Landing to Jennings Bluff & Dead River Sink 2015-06-14
Videos by John S. Quarterman for WWALS Watershed Coalition (WWALS),
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!
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