Update 2019-05-02: Pictures.
After the BIG Little River Paddle Race this Saturday morning, also at Reed Bingham State Park, you can get trained to do water quality testing, at 2PM Saturday afternoon. This is both chemical and bacterial training.
When: 2PM, Saturday, April 27, 2019
Where: Shelter #3, Reed Bingham State Park, 542 Reed Bingham Rd, Adel, GA 31620
Sign up: Please use the google form to sign up so we’ll know how many are coming, and so you can say where you are willing to test regularly.
Awareness, Data, Observations, Partnerships, Tools & Training.
It’s Georgia training, but we will also be putting Florida data into Georgia Adopt-A-Stream’s online database, so Florida testers would also benefit by this training.
Thanks to Julie Shutters, Implementation Manager, Golden Triangle RC&D, for volunteering to come down from Sylvester to do this.
After this training, some of our testers will have taken the training enough times to qualify for further training to be trainers.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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