Frame and concrete wire.
Lowndes County Project Manager Chad McLeod says they will probably pour the concrete Saturday. Then 10 to 14 days to set before pushing into the Alapaha River for Naylor Boat Ramp.
Boat Ramp Bed
See previous post for more context and history.
From US 84 westbound, just west of the Alapaha River
Parking lot
Trash can
This is the part of the Lola Tract VPA on the west side (right bank) of the Alapaha River.
New entrance to Lola Tract VPA
A VPA is a Voluntary Public Access Area, in this case on land owned by Dr. Acree of Adel, the same who sold Lowndes County the corner at the Alapaha River and US 84 for the Naylor Boat Ramp.
Since the county put the boat ramp in front of the old VPA access road, they had to put in a new angled VPA entrance.
That’s all part of the work the voters of Lowndes County funded back in 2013 in the SPLOST VII ballot, for the soon-to-be-complete Naylor Boat Ramp on the Alapaha River Water Trail.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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