Thanks, GA-EPD, for another very useful online dataset: GOMAS, the Georgia Environmental Monitoring and Assessment System, with a plethora of water data.
Front page of
GOMAS seems to have all the water quality data reported by permitted wastewater facilities throughout the state, including some not required, apparently including at least some of Valdosta’s creek monitoring data.
GOMAS lets you find locations with data either through a map or through a text search.
As near as I can tell, the map search doesn’t actually deliver data. But you can use it to find the location you want, and then use the advanced search to get the data.
Two Mile Branch near Sugar Creek
For example, RV_09_3312 appears to be Valdosta’s sampling on Two Mile Branch upstream of Sugar Creek (which runs into the Withlacoochee River). Specifically, at 30.862765, -83.316842, which is across Sugar Creek from the Salty Snapper, northwest of Gornto Road and Meadowbrook Lane.
Valdosta’s sampling there was apparently only every few months, yet it showed E. coli often higher than the 200 cfu/100 ml nominal state limit. Possibly more on that later.
Meanwhile, the Notice is transcribed below, and it and all the PDFs it links to are also on the WWALS website.
Here’s the GA-EPD GOMAS Instructional video.
(The instructor’s pronunciation seems to vary between Gome-Ass and Go-Mass.)
Thanks, GA-EPD, for following the week-day-updated Sewage Spills Reports with GOMAS.
The announcment PDF transcribed:
The Georgia envirOnmental Monitoring and Assessment System (GOMAS) is a web-based repository of physical, chemical, and biological data collected in Georgia’s rivers, lakes, estuaries, and other waters. The data are collected by the Watershed Protection Branch of Georgia Environmental Protection Division as well as other outside entities under contract and/or agreement with GA EPD or as required by their permit.
To view Monitoring Locations and download data, please go to the GOMAS Public landing page and choose the Public Database Portal link. A glossary of terms, frequently asked questions (FAQs), instructions, and an instructional video are available at the bottom of the Public Database Portal webpage.
DATA DISCLAIMER: Some data are preliminary and subject to revision until they have been thoroughly reviewed and receive final approval. Not all data is used for Clean Water Act regulatory purposes, such as 305(b)/303(d) listing. Some data collected by third-parties cannot be validated by EPD; therefore, we cannot guarantee data accuracy and may not know the analytical methods used. The data should be used with caution before making decisions concerning personal/public safety or conducting business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences. Groundwater wells and springs monitoring data can only be found using the Advanced Search.
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-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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