WWALS Advisory Committee 2019-05-11

On May 11, we met to organize the WWALS Advisory Committee. Agriculture, Forestry, and Water were big topics. Thanks to Joe West, Assistant Dean of the Campus at the University of Georgia, Tifton, for many good suggestions of Committee members, and the use of his office for the meeting.

Hard at thought, Advisory Committee
Photo: John S. Quarterman, of Advisory Committee Chair Dave Hetzel, WWALS Board Delegate Bret Wagenhorst, Committee Member UGA Tifton Asst. Dean Joe West, Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman (hat).

We will meet there again on Thursday, June 13, 2019. If you would like to be a WWALS Advisor, helping us out with advocacy, events, legislation, and yes, undraising, let us know. See our Vision, Mission, Goals, Issues, Outings and Events, and Fundraising. Don’t worry: nobody has to try to do all that. Advisors can specialize.

Here Joe West looks out of his office window at the Centennial Garden, which was dedicated one week before, at his suggestion.

Joe West, Asst. Dean, UGA Tifton, Centennial Garden

The 2-acre garden, which is under construction behind the Tift Building at the center of campus, is a recreation of a garden that existed in an earlier era, when the campus was known as the Coastal Plain Experiment Station. The new garden is slated for completion by May 3, when it will be dedicated as the community celebrates UGA—Tifton’s centennial.

“It just seemed very appropriate to recreate the garden at this time. It’s part of our history and will continue to be as we move forward with the campus’ next 100 years,” West said. “I think our faculty, staff and students are very excited to see what the garden will look like when it is completed.”

The original garden was very symmetrical with beautiful plant materials, however, as the automotive age kicked into gear, the garden took a backseat.

“There’s an old song (‘Big Yellow Taxi’) that says, ‘They paved paradise and put up a parking lot,’ which is exactly what happened,” West said.

West stumbled onto records of the original garden and thought, “It would be really cool if we recreated that.” The project was quickly approved and construction ensued.

The completed formal garden will contain 100 percent UGA-generated genetic plant releases. ‘October Glory’ maple, ‘Pink Damsel’ serviceberry, ‘Sweet Frost’ tangerine and ‘Green Shadow’ magnolia trees will be planted within the garden, with oaks and magnolias framing the garden’s outer areas and flowers and fruits comprising the garden’s interior.

“We are dedicated to research here, so for the Centennial Garden to be filled with plant materials developed by UGA scientists is exciting,” West said.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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