Valdosta City Council votes to send letter supporting Troupville River Camp 2019-12-05

Last night on the Valdosta City Council agenda, as mentioned Monday on WCTV, they did vote for the Mayor to send a letter of support for the Troupville River Camp project.


This was the last scheduled act of outgoing Mayor John Gayle, for which we thank him and the Council.

WWALS Executive Director Gretchen Quarterman thanked them in Citizens to Be Heard.

Before the meeting, I handed in copies of an additional letter, this one from Donald M. Thieme, Associate Professor, Geology, Valdosta State University, about several projects he and Geology Professor Can Denizman are planning at the Land Between the Rivers. More on that letter later in another blog post.

Coming up Tuesday, December 10, 2019, the Lowndes County Commission will discuss a similar letter. It’s not on the county agenda, but Chairman Bill Slaughter asked me to send them materials, which I did, and to talk about it in Citizens Wishing To Be Heard, after which if I understand correctly he will poll the Commissioners and then write a letter.

Your organization can also write a letter of support. Deadline: end of calendar year 2019.

All the materials we sent to the Valdosta City Council and Lowndes County Commission are on the WWALS website.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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