Update 2019-04-03: More speakers, and ask the governor to repurpose toll road money to virus relief.
Many people traveled hours to speak for three minutes in Madison County, Florida, against the toll road boondoggle, on February 11, 2020. I videoed them for WWALS. Here are the first few speakers.
I will add more in coming days, to encourage you all to tell your elected and appointed officials we don’t want resources wasted, farms torn apart, and our rivers and springs polluted by these unnecessary toll roads.
Toll roads split farms & perfect channels for water pipelines to south FL
Natural habitat, not toll roads –Marie Wise, Levy County
Here’s a WWALS video playlist:
No Build: Speakers at M-CORES toll road meeting, Madison, FL 2020-02-11
Videos by John S. Quarterman for WWALS Watershed Coalition (WWALS).
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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