A little rain didn’t stop us on a fun two nights of camping and two days of paddling to and from Floyd’s Island in the Okefenokee NWR. Yes, the dozen of us saw gators, cormorants, and herons on the Suwannee River, the tree canopy over the run to Floyd’s Island, and deer on the island.
Thanks to Bobby McKenzie for leading this expedition, and to Shirley Kokidko for provoking it.
banners, river, gator, canopy, island, deer
Also we saw Georgia River Network’s thirty paddlers coming in Sunday as we were going out, but my camera had run down by then. Here’s a picture of GRN E.D. Rena Ann Peck on the Friday before, in Moniac, GA.
Here are more pictures, also on the WWALS website.
Many paddlers posted pictures on facebook. Click on any small picture to see a larger one.
Suwannee River, Griffis Fish Camp, 2020:11:06 15:19:24
WWALS President Tom H. Johnson Jr., 07:05:03
Executive Director Gretchen Quarterman, Outing Leader Shirley Kokidko, 07:05:04
Day 1
Debbie, Dan, and Tom, 10:32:50
Pick a direction, Suwannee River, 10:36:07
Helen Crowley observing the sign, 10:36:36
Gretchen Quarterman following up the Suwannee River, 10:38:02
Traffic jam, Middle Fork, Suwannee River, 11:16:01
Josh Duncan and a gator, 13:29:15
Narrowing to river again, 14:01:13
Bobby looking at the sign back to Minnies Lake Shelter, 14:04:10
Big Water straight, Floyds Island right, 14:19:58
A meadow with flowers, 14:58:20
Floyd’s Island straight ahead, 15:06:13
And if you’re coming from Big Water, turn left, 15:06:48
Under the regrowing tree, 16:06:03
Day 2
For where these locations are, see the WWALS map of the Suwannee River Wilderness Trail, or see Okefenokee Wilderness Area Canoe Trails.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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