Action Alert: Help stop Georgia HB 1150, the Bad Neighbor Farm Bill

Georgia farmers are already protected by some of the strongest farm laws in the U.S. against frivolous lawsuits and for property rights.

Now lobbyists for global food conglomerates and insurance companies are trying to weaken these protective laws with a Bad Neighbor Bill. HB 1150 weakens Georgia’s long standing laws. It guts protections for property owners, and makes it easier for global meat companies to operate without regard to their neighbors.

STOP the corporate takeover of Georgia’s farmland. Send a message to your legislators today. STOP HB 1150.

To email them, click here for a convenient form:

NC hog CAFO lagoon; Photo: Waterkeeper Alliance
Photo: Waterkeeper Alliance via Sierra Club

You can also find telephone numbers for Georgia House members here:

If you don’t know which legislator is yours, you can find out here:

Floridians, Georgia hog lagoons in the Suwannee River Basin would be upstream from Florida. So please ask all your Georgia friends to call their legislators. Or Floridians can call them, too, to emphasize it’s a problem spread beyond one state.

People from anywhere can do that.

While you’re at it, you can ask them to Support Georgia HB 1289 to protect the Okefenokee Swamp 2022-02-24.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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