You can help stop the undead Northern Turnpike Extension toll road from plowing over to US 19 and then up it across the Suwannee River.
Floridians, please go to the Florida Department of Transportation’s Northern
Turnpike Extension web page and tell FDOT we don’t need any more toll roads.
Here’s where you can say No Build:
Doesn’t matter that No Build isn’t listed as an option. Tell them anyway.
Suwannee River, Toll toad routes
Attend your city council or county commission or Economic Development or Chamber meetings and ask them to pass a resolution against these toll roads.
Today, Florida State University’s Institute of Growth (FIOG) is holding two public strategic growth planning events you can attend, at the Citrus Springs Community Center: 1570 W Citrus Springs Blvd, Citrus Springs, FL 34434:
You can also send input to “Anything sent before 8pm on Monday, April 4th will be included in the strategic planning workshops the next 2 days.”
On Tuesday, May 24 at 9 AM, there’s a workshop on the Northern Turnpike Extension by the Citrus Board of County Commissioners, at Citrus County Courthouse, 110 N. Apopka Avenue, Room #110, Inverness, Florida 34461. You can send them input before then.
Get signs, bumper stickers, or buttons.
Write a letter to the editor.
Get interviewed by TV or newspaper.
Get on a radio talk show, or call in to one.
Bill White, the Mayor of Dunnellon, summed it up yesterday:
The FDOT Northern Turnpike Extension study has created a whirlwind of discussion that is overwhelmingly negative. In spite of this widespread public opposition to the idea, there is a faction of people that believe the Extention is inevitable. Their argument goes something like this: Since it is going to happen, choose the route that has the least amount of negative impact….. or since you can’t stop the train get on board….. This line of thinking should be totally rejected by those that are for “NO Build”. To pick a route that is the least offensive is to say yes to the Northern Turnpike Extension. BIG MISTAKE! The “NO Build” option is viable and will be considered if there is enough public opposition to the project. Those that are committed to “NO Build” need to remain strong, steadfast and resolutely determined. Consistent, organize and widespread political opposition will have an impact on those seeking election this coming fall.
As this map by the Conservancy of Southwest Florida shows, Alternative A would avoid (most of) the recently-approved Florida Wildlife Corridor, while still ending up at US 19 just north of Chiefland. Avoid by plowing through farmlands and homes in Marion County and Gilchrist County.
Toll Road Routes by Conservancy of Southwest Florida
Avoid until it turns US 19 (US 98) into a toll road on across the Suwannee River, as you can see on this WWALS map.
Map: US-19 (US 98) across the Suwannee River in the WWALS map of the Suwannee River Wilderness Trail
The Suwannee River is part of the Florida Wildlife Corridor. And there’s more Corridor west of it a toll road US 19 would have to cross.
Even the M-CORES task forces could find no need for these toll roads. Please help stop these destructive and unnecessary roads.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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