Monthly Archives: May 2022

Pictures: Mayday to Statenville, Alapaha River 2019-03-23

It was a ten!

It was a fine spring day for thirteen miles on the Alapaha River from Mayday to Statenville. Cypress, oaks, pines, tea-colored water, and a sandy lunch spot.

See it in these pictures by Gretchen Quarterman.


The water level was about 9 feet or 85.1′ NAVD88 on the Statenville Gauge. That’s higher than our old recommended maximum, so we’re raising the max to 10 feet (86.1′ NAVD88). Continue reading

Statenville to Sasser Landing, Alapaha River, plus Turket Creek Waterfall 2022-07-09

Paddle with WWALS down the blackwater Alapaha River over some rapids, with side trip to Turket Creek Waterfall.

[Jennings Defeat, Turket Creek Waterfall, Statenville Boat Ramp]
Jennings Defeat, Turket Creek Waterfall, Statenville Boat Ramp

Bring a rope for each end of your boat, for towing and carrying. Shortly after the GA-FL line are the notorious shoals Jennings Defeat, so named because even the founder of Jennings, Florida, portaged around them. Last time WWALS went through there, only three boats paddled through those shoals. Continue reading

Clean Rivers 2022-05-05

Update 2022-05-13: Withlacoochee, Little, Alapaha, Ichetucknee, Santa Fe all clean 2022-05-12.

Another clean river week! All the WWALS test results for Thursday and Wednesday are good.

It did just rain cats and dogs, but only briefly. We can’t know yet, but my guess is there wasn’t enough rain to wash much contamination into the rivers, not even down Okapilco Creek. I would paddle this weekend, or swim, or fish.

[Chart, Rivers, Swim Guide]
Chart, Rivers, Swim Guide

If you’re not doing that, come on down to the Salty Snapper for the WWALS Withlacoochee River cleanup. Continue reading

Reroute: Langdale Park becomes Withlacoochee River and Sugar Creek Cleanup 2022-05-07

Update 2022-05-14: Mayor, Council, volunteers, helped WWALS clean up Sugar Creek and Withlacoochee River 2022-05-07.

We’re changing this Saturday’s paddle to an on-land cleanup below the Salty Snapper parking lot, walking down Sugar Creek to the Withlacoochee River and the railroad bridge.

Because it’s now completely a cleanup, this outing is free! Also, no boat required. Bring mud boots, sturdy clothes, gloves, and any trash pickers you may have. We will supply trash bags. And for the Mayor, a Sawzall.

[Trash and log jams]
Trash and log jams

This reroute is because Continue reading

Winners, BIG Little River Paddle Race 2022-04-30

Adel, GA, May 3, 2022 — Nineteen canoeists and kayakers set out on a beautiful blue-sky morning on Saturday, April 30, 2022, and one from far away won the BIG Little River Paddle Race.

[Carl Fuller, First Prize Winner]
Carl Fuller, First Prize Winner

They paddled three miles from Red Roberts Landing to the Colquitt County boat ramp on Reed Bingham State Park Lake.

[Five boats]
Carl Fuller already in the lead.

The overall winner was Continue reading

Spectrum Energy wood pellet plant a health hazard far beyond Adel –WWALS to GA-EPD 2022-05-02

Here is the WWALS comment letter to GA-EPD about the second wood pellet plant permit application for Adel, Georgia.

[Both pages]
Both pages

The Letter

See also PDF.

May 2, 2022

By Electronic Mail to: Continue reading

Florida petition online now for Right to Clean and Healthy Waters 2022-05-01

Update 2022-11-10: Florida Right to Clean Water: get petition signatures for court review 2022-11-10.

The Florida statewide petition for Right to Clean and Healthy Water (RTCW) is online now at


Please go there to print and sign and return the petition.

For why, see the preceding press conference: Videos: Florida Right to Clean Water, Poe Springs Park 2022-04-21.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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