Update 2022-11-30: Parking lot litter Click ‘n’ Fix closed without cleanup 2022-11-21.
This happened at the bottom of the parking lot on St. Augustine Road next to Hightower Creek. The same parking lot we previously reported as a good example, upstream from Sugar Creek and the Withlacoochee River.
Yet they never put out trash cans, and this is what results.
Bobby Mckenzie sent these pictures August 30, 2022, with this explanation:
Obviously there is no excuse for this woman’s actions. But she walk to look for a trash can and didn’t find one. Then she threw it in the mess that was already there.
Initially the litter bug looked for a trash can.
Just as guilty of allowing this to happen are the business/property owners, the Public Works Director, Assistant City Manager and City Marshalls for failing to do their part.
The business not complying with the existing City Ordinance, the City Marshalls REFUSING to enforce that very City Ordinance
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