Sabal Trail apparently doesn’t know cattle.
The pipeline company claimed they know restoration, but that’s not what the ground looks like now, with sparse vegetation and erosion. They say they love wildlife, but they drove off a heron and who knows what else. They’re driving down property values. What are those bubbles? Which milepoint is which, anyway? Janet Barrow lives in Marion County, but she also reports on Citrus County. For 54 pages, with a summation.
For the rest of FERC Accession Number 20171120-5026, “Comment of Janet L Barrow under CP15-17, et. al.; A Citizen’s Supplemental Information Regarding Sabal Trail’s October, 2017 Monthly Report” on the WWALS website, follow this link.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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I applaud your attention to detail in noting and documenting these issues. I personally get so triggered when I think of how FAST they got this permitted(?) and in the ground that there is no way I can organize my thoughts and pictures to ever hope to submit a coherent, erudite comment.
When you consider the money they spent on lawyers, officials and other craftily undocumented issues it’s no wonder they rest easy and don’t even bother cleaning up their mess. They assume it’s all ‘buried’. And how can the citizens who are living and working nearby and otherwise affected hope to compete.. But our health, and that of our children,both economic and physical are at risk. And some people are beginning to wake up and ask questions. .It’s called a tipping point. Watch for it.