Duke Energy Florida is no longer in the Customer Index in Sabal Trail’s FERC-required Informational Postings, as of January 1, 2018. Only Florida Power & Light is listed, still for 400,000 dekatherms per day. So what we’ve been saying since November appears to be true: Duke Energy Florida is no longer a Sabal Trail customer, which means there’s no excuse for Sabal Trail to have a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity, and FERC (or the D.C. Circuit Court) should revoke that permit.
Update 2018-01-05: Duke previously said it did NOT need Sabal Trail for the Crystal River power plant Duke is building, and in any case it could get the gas from Gulfstream or FGT if Sabal Trail failed, then Duke bought part of Sabal Trail, then Sabal Trail’s uncommitted capacity dropped by the same amount Duke was supposedly wanting, and now Duke is missing from Sabal Trail’s customer list. Plus most of Duke Energy Florida’s operational gas-fired power plants are being fed by FGT or Gulfstream, and apparently none from Sabal Trail.
Yet Sabal Trail today just ramped up nominated capacity above operationally available capacity. Where’s that gas going, Sabal Trail?
Effective Date: 1/1/2018
Please click on the Contract Number field for any applicable agent and/or point information.
Pipeline Name Pipeline ID Code Report Date Original/Revised Indicator First Day of Calendar Quarter Unit of Measurement for Transportation MDQ Unit of Measurement for Storage MDQ Contact Person and Phone Number Footnote ID Sabal Trail Transmission C005141 1/2/2018 O 1/1/2018 T T LISA A. CONNOLLY 713-627-4102 Records 1 through 1 of 1
Shipper Name Shipper ID Shipper Affiliation Indicator Rate Schedule Contract Number Contract Effective Date Contract Primary Term Expiration Date Days Until Next Possible Contract Expiration Negotiated Rates Indicator For Transportation, Max Daily Quantity (Dth) For Storage, Max Daily Quantity (Dth) Footnote ID FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY 6922371 Y FTS-5 850001-R1 7/11/2017 7/10/2042 0 Y 400000 0 2/3
Footnote Number Footnote Text 2 The agreement is subject to termination at the end of the initial primary term on 07/10/2042 or at the end of stated additional terms on 07/10/2047, 07/10/2052. 3 Varying MDQ quantities as follows: 400000 dth through 04/30/2020; 600000 dth beginning 05/01/2020
Sabal Trail’s posted Uncommitted Capacity, which jumped up on 14 November 2017 by 300,000 Dekatherms/day, exactly the amount DEF previously was a customer for, has not gone back down.
As we pointed out in our 29 December 2017 Motion to FERC to reject, stop, and revoke Sabal Trail, the capstone of FERC’s rationale for its February 2016 permit to Sabal Trail was “93 percent of the total design capacity of the Sabal Trail project is subscribed under precedent agreements”, and since Sabal Trail has lost 300,000 out of 700,000 dekatherms per day by losing DEF as a customer, nowhere near 93% is subscribed (more like 53%).
Nom above Cap, Postings
Nonetheless, Sabal Trail is suddenly shipping gas somewhere, with Nominated Capacity this morning above Operational Capacity:
Sudden ramp up in Sabal Trail gas, Postings
Where is that gas going, Sabal Trail?
FERC, where is your oversight?
How about you, PHMSA, what’s the explanation?
Thanks to WWALS member Janet Barrow for spotting this sudden Sabal Trail ramp up.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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