Here are links to the FERC-required daily informational postings of the parts of the Southeast Markets Pipeline Project (SMPP), Transco, Sabal Trail, and FSC, plus the other two big natural gas pipelines into Florida: FGT and Gulfstream. Can somebody point me at any Duke Energy Florida (DEF) power plant that is not being fed by FGT or Gulfstream, now that DEF is no longer listed by Sabal Trail as a customer? And since FSC only lists its Martin County power plant, where are all those coal plants supposedly already- or to-be-modernized?
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has a web page for Required Filers, which has a spreadsheet of Interstate Pipelines under the Natural Gas Act XLS updated 11/28/2017, but it’s incorrect, with the listing for Florida Southeast Connection going to the home page for NextEra Energy Resources. So, as usual, it’s necessary to do FERC’s job.
Transcontinental Pipeline Company (Transco)
Informational Postings and map.
Operationally Available. Perhaps most interesting is HILLABEE SABAL TRAIL M4664 MP 944.25.
Sabal Trail Transmission (STT)
Operationally Available Capacity
Florida Southeast Connection (FSC)
Informational Postings. The map has mouseover for source and destination. The only destination listed is FPL’s Martin County Power Plant, getting 397,996 DTH/day as of 5 Jan 2018. That’s approximately all of FPL’s 400,000 DTH/day subscription to Sabal Trail. Where are all the former coal-fired plants supposedly already or to-be modernized?
Operationally Available Capacity
Florida Gas Transmission (FGT)
Informational Postings. It’s easier to mouse over the map on this page for current numbers than the links below.
Operationally Available Capacity. Select Market Area. Some names are old, such as “Suwannee- Progress Energy” is Duke’s Suwannee Power Plant (Duke bought Progress).
Informational Postings and map.
Operationally Available Capacity and Current report.
Note five Duke power plants:
Plant | Mile | Operationally Available Capacity |
Duke – Hines | MP 6.3 | 197,045 |
Duke – Tiger Bay | MP 0.1 | 83,000 |
Duke – Interces. City | MP 60.4 | 70,372 |
Duke – Bartow Plant | MP 418.12 | 3,000 |
Duke – Osprey | MP 1.34 | 161,000 |
Total | 514,417 |
That adds up to 514,417 Dekatherms/day, which is more than the 300,000 DTH/day Duke formerly was supposed to get from Sabal Trail. So why would DEF need Sabal Trail?
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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