Update 2023-06-11: Crossings under CR 6 by Nutrien Phosphate Mine 2023-06-10.
Update 2023-06-01: Nutrien phosphate mine on the ground 2023-05-12.
Update 2023-05-14:
- Suwannee Riverkeeper wants you to get these Florida bills vetoed.
- Say NO to Radioactive Roads in Florida 2023-05-11.
- Veto FL SB 540 to preserve local development responsibility 2023-05-12.
- Veto Florida fertilizer preemption 2023-05-13.
Update 2023-04-18:
No phosphate mine waste into recreational lakes, and more transparency –WWALS to Hamilton County BOCC 2023-04-17;
Hamilton County Planning Commission wants conditions on Nutrien phosphate mine permit renewal 2023-03-28;
More materials: Hamilton County Planning Commission on Nutrien phosphate mine permit renewal 2023-03-28.
Update 2023-01-21: HPS II withdraws phosphate mining application from Bradford County, Florida 2023-01-19.
Update 2022-06-28 : HPS II drops Union County phosphate mine lawsuit 2022-06-23.
Update 2021-02-09: Petition to EPA: protect from radioactive phosphogypsum stacks.
All the Waterkeepers of Florida oppose phosphate mines in Florida:
Both the existing PCS phosphate mine in Hamilton County Florida and the proposed HPS II phosphate mine in Union and Bradford Counties, Florida can’t be good for water in the ground, aquifer, springs, or rivers, nor human health. See central Florida’s Bone Valley for how bad it can get.
PCS Phosphate Mine 2016-10-22, Southwings flight for WWALS, pictures
by Jim Tatum, https://wwals.net/?p=32043
Generally, we could use Less withdrawals, more water retention for North Florida Regional Water Supply Plan: WWALS PR 2016-12-06.
For current Florida state permits and applications, see FDEP’s Phosphate Mines web page.
This WWALS web page is basic background. For more posts as they are blogged, see the Phosphate category.
To assist Suwannee Riverkeeper (WWALS) in this work, you can donate or become a member today.
More about how you can oppose the HPS II phosphate mine.
Actual PCS phosphate mine in Hamilton County, Florida
Aerial photographs PCS Phosphate Mine 2016-10-22, including this one:
- PotashCorp Field Trip Summary —David Wilson 2017-04-13
Springsheds and Water Withdrawal Permits in the Suwannee River Basin
The big circles top center for massive withdrawals are for the PCS phosphate mine.
Proposed HPS II phosphate mine in Union and Bradford Counties, Florida
To assist Suwannee Riverkeeper in this work, you can donate or become a member today.
More about how you can oppose the HPS II phosphate mine.
- Maps, including this current background picture on one of the facebook page Citizens Against Phosphate Mining in North Central Florida (CAPM).
- Proposed HPS II phosphate mine in Union and Bradford Counties, Florida
- FGT natural gas pipeline through HPS II site
- 2017-09-01: Suwannee Riverkeeper overflight, HPS II mine site
- New River Solid Waste Association (NRSWA) Board of Directors.
- Clay Electric Cooperative Board of Directors.
Bradford County
- Videos: Surprise phosphate mining discussion at Bradford County, FL BOCC 2017-07-20
- Please accept assistance to choose wisely about phosphate mine —Suwannee Riverkeeper to Bradford BOCC 2017-08-16
- WWALS videos of all three hours of the Bradford BOCC meeting 2017-08-17
Phosphate mine protest in Bradford County on WCJB, Gainesville, FL
Stewardship is a sacred responsibility, not a license to plunder! - Bradford County, FL Comprehensive Plan 2012-04-19
- Bradford County Commissioners.
Union County
- Please choose wisely about phosphate mine vs. water: Suwannee Riverkeeper to Union County, FL 2017-08-21
Union County summarily dismisses phosphate mine application 2017-08-21
Photo by Jim Tatum, OSFR, of Scott Koons, Executive Director of North Central Florida Regional Planning Council before Union BOCC - Mining change drafts for Union County Comp. Plan 2017-08-21
Union County Proposed Mining Areas 2017-08-30
Proposed Mining Areas, Application CPA 17-02, 2017-09-18
PDF of this map - Union County Florida Comprehensive Plan Workshop Documents
- 2017-09-18 Union BOCC votes on Comprehensive Plan
- Union County Commissioners.
Central Florida Bone Valley
- Craig Pittman, Tampa Bay Times, 1 October 2015, Phosphate giant Mosaic agrees to pay nearly $2 billion over mishandling of hazardous waste
Presto, there’s plenty of water in Florida? —Jim Gross @ WiLFest 2017-06-17
Jim Gross showing central Florida as far over sustainable withdrawals at WiLFest inOrlandoGainesville 2017-06-17
Photo: John S. Quarterman for WWALS - Andy Mele, Suncoast Waterkeeper