Does FERC actually look at what counties and other people send it?
FERC made the figures illegible in its posting of
Dennis Price’s geology report
that Hamilton BOCC appended when it forwarded to FERC its
site visit request to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
This reminds me of when FERC lost half of Dougherty County’s Sabal Trail resolution and just happened to lose page 3 of Bill Kendall’s letter, the page about lack of need, false pretense, and duress. Does FERC actually care what anybody thinks, other than the industries it “regulates” while they pay all its costs?
FERC Filing 28 March 2016, Accession Number 20160328-0091, “Correspondence from Board of County Commissioners of Hamilton, FL to U.S. Army Corp of Engineers re the Environmental Geology report under CP15-17.” Continue reading