Testimony sent as PDF yesterday, for the Georgia Power rate hike Public Hearings continuing today at GA-PSC.
November 5, 2019
To: |
Jason Shaw, Commissioner, District 1 Georgia Public Service Commission 244 Washington Street, SW Atlanta GA, 30334-9052 jshaw@psc.ga.gov |
Re: Docket 42516 Georgia Power Company’s 2019 Rate Case
Commissioner Shaw,
It was good to meet with you Thursday.
I have not met anyone unaffiliated with the electric power industry who supports a rate hike for Georgia Power, especially not a mandatory connection fee. Many people around here are already struggling to balance electric bills, grocery bills, and gas bills. A mandatory connection fee would most greatly affect those least able to afford it. Despite Georgia Power’s arguments, the beneficiaries of such a rate hike would not be its customers, rather its investors, following a playbook spelled out by the electric utility industry think tank Edison Electricity Institute back in 2013.
I urge the Georgia Public Service Commission to reject Georgia Power’s request for a connection fee raise, or at the least to make it as minimal as possible. Georgia Power as a regulated public utility should be “A Citizen Wherever We Serve,” not an agent for its investors to get more profit at the expense of its customers.
Urge reject connection fee raise
It is not surprising that Georgia Power is in need of funds, due to Southern Company’s failing Big Bet on Continue reading