Tag Archives: drawings

Titusville LNG denied by PHMSA 2018-10-02

Two years later, PHMSA still lists New Fortress Energy’s Titusville LNG facilty as Denied.

The missing piece in NFE’s application? A “Draft Environmental Assessment (DEA)” with “site drawings, maps, and other supporting documents.”

Funny how when a liquid natural gas (LNG) facility has to submit these things, often it can’t.

With the LNG market overseas cratering, maybe this one will stay dead. But we must keep watch to be sure it does not reappear, zombie-like, right in the middle of Florida’s Atlantic coast, able to ship by truck and rail as far as Jacksonville and Miami, as well as overseas.


The denial letter is Continue reading

Fine Craft and Arts Festival by Jefferson Arts Gallery, Monticello, FL 2018-11-17

Venturing outside our watersheds, but still inside the territory of the Suwannee River Water Management District, the WWALS booth goes to Monticello, Florida, this Saturday. Come on over!

When: 10AM-4PM, Saturday, November 17, 2018

Where: Jefferson Arts Gallery, 575 W. Washington Street, Monticello, FL

Event: facebook, meetup

Listing in the Tallahassee Democrat: Continue reading