Two years later, PHMSA still lists New Fortress Energy’s Titusville LNG facilty as Denied.
The missing piece in NFE’s application? A “Draft Environmental Assessment (DEA)” with “site drawings, maps, and other supporting documents.”
Funny how when a liquid natural gas (LNG) facility has to submit these things, often it can’t.
With the LNG market overseas cratering, maybe this one will stay dead. But we must keep watch to be sure it does not reappear, zombie-like, right in the middle of Florida’s Atlantic coast, able to ship by truck and rail as far as Jacksonville and Miami, as well as overseas.
The denial letter is on the PHMSA website with a copy on the WWALS website.
OCT 2 2018
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, D.C. 20590U.S. Department
of Transportation
Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety
AdministrationMr. Matthew Davis
Senior Land Use and Environmental Planner
New Fortress Energy Management, LLC
8350 NW 52nd Terrace, Suite 300
Doral, Florida 33166PHMSA-2016-0073
Dear Mr. Davis:On April 13, 2016, TICO Development Partners LLC (TICO), wrote to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and requested a special permit for variance from the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations of 49 CFR 193.2155(b), concerning structural requirements for operating a liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility.
On October 12, 2016, PHMSA published TICO’s request in the Federal Register (FR 81 62796). A Draft Environmental Assessment (DEA) was not submitted with the application. On November 15, 2016, staff from TICO and PHMSA met to discuss the requirements of the DEA. During the discussion, PHMSA reminded TICO that the application process includes the submission of site drawings, maps, and other supporting documents. TICO asked that the meeting re-convene the following day (November 16, 2016), to obtain the LNG site drawings from its construction firm and present them to PHMSA. PHMSA staff agreed to the meeting but TICO’s construction engineer was not available to meet on November 16, 2016. TICO expressed an intent to reschedule the follow-up meeting, provide the required supporting documents, and further discuss the requirements of the DEA. To date, TICO has not provided the documents necessary for PHMSA to move forward with consideration of the special permit request.
Accordingly, PHMSA is denying this request, without prejudice, because it remains incomplete. If provided with copies of the relevant site drawings and other requested information, PHMSA would consider a new special permit request from TICO.
My staff would be pleased to discuss this matter or any other regulatory matter with you. John Gale, Director, Standards and Rulemaking Division, may be contacted at 202-366-0434 on regulatory matters. Kenneth Lee, Director, Engineering and Research Division, may be contacted at 202-366-2694 on technical matters specific to this special permit application.
Alan K Mayberry
Associate Administrator
Office of Pipeline Safety
Thanks to Cecile Scofield for noticing this letter.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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