Update 2021-06-16:
Port Tampa Bay has no agreement with Strom LNG, and wants none 2021-06-15
Why, Strom, were you a month late filing a report,
with only the dates changed from the previous one?
Late Report, Crystal River to Tampa, Cruise ship
Strom has been promising to export via Port of Tampa since at least
October 2018,
and this filed-in-May semi-annual report for April 2021 to the Department of Energy (DoE) Office of Fossil Energy (FE) still says:
“Strom has reached a tentative agreement with the Port of Tampa in
Tampa Florida, for long-term leases for shipping of LNG.”
Tomorrow morning, the Port Tampa Bay Board meets,
9:30-11:30 AM, Tuesday, June 15, 2021, both in person at Cruise Terminal 3, and via zoom.
You can sign up to make a public comment,
if you’re rather not have Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) tankers loading next to cruise ships,
or LNG trucking down public highways past hospitals, schools, and businesses to get there.
Still in this late April Strom report, added last time for October 2020,
is this:
“Additionally, Strom, Inc. is actively in early stage negotiations with a third-party entity regarding a reverse-merger and anticipate filing a report upon completion.”
There’s still no information about who those backers are.
Maybe you’d like to ask the Port Tampa Bay Board about that. Continue reading →