Tag Archives: Satilla River

Public Health Assessment of Rice Rail Yard, Waycross, GA 2018-06-07

The Georgia Department of Health published many positive downwards trends in contaminants, and some big “cannot conclude”s last summer, when it released through the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) a Public Health Assessment, CSX TRANSPORTATION — RAIL YARD SITE, WAYCROSS, WARE COUNTY, GEORGIA.

Cover, Pages

Most of the graphs show downward trends, like this one, of Trichloroethene (TCE), the substance whose detection seems to have kicked off all this work.

TCE Downward trend, Pages

On page 39, the report says about data collected by Silent Disaster: Continue reading

GA-EPD Rule Public Hearing with written comment period 2018-05-22

Sending written comments makes more sense than four hours to Atlanta Tuesday, May 22, 2018, for this two-hour Public Hearing on water quality rules changes.

Reed Bingham State Park Lake, site of the 6th Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race, Saturday April 28, 2018.




CHAPTER 391-3-6


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Satilla River Water Trail in Brunswick News

WWALS is pleased to see our neighbors to the east following suit and working toward establishing a water trail like the Alapaha River Water Trail (ARWT). With time, the beautiful blackwater rivers of the coastal plains may become a paddling destination of choice for northern paddlers looking for a pleasant and scenic place to paddle in winter and for locals wishing to reconnect with their regional natural heritage.

-Bret Wagenhorst, WWALS board member

And don’t forget the logo contest for the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (WLRWT), with prizes to be announced at the WLRWT workshop February 27th at VSU.

Gordon Jackson, Brunswick News, 10 Decewmber 2015, Support growing for Water trail along Satilla,

WOODBINE — Organizers believe a proposed 175-mile water trail on the Satilla River could help Southeast Georgia meet the growing demand for outdoor recreation activities.

The Satilla River Water Trail would stretch from Pierce County to Camden County, with public access points with boat launches and highway bridge crossings.

The Camden County Commission joined a long list of municipalities from Pierce, Ware, Brantley and Charlton counties to express support for creating a water trail. They hope to take advantage of the growing demand for outdoor recreation activities in the state. There are more than 1 million paddlers in Georgia, and more than $23 billion is spent Continue reading

Rescheduled: WWALS Water Trails at Southern Georgia Regional Commission Council 2015-09-24

Rescheduled from July, Paulk Vineyards WWALS Ambassador Dave Hetzel will speak about the Alapaha River Water Trail (ARWT), which is now looking to place signs and reprint brochures, and the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (WRWT), whose Committee is looking for more members, at the Southern Georgia Regional Commission Council meeting September 24th in Pearson, Georgia.

When: 11AM Thursday September 24th, 2015

Where: Continue reading

Two GA-EPD water advisories about US 84 widening project

Thirty-day comment periods closing 12 August 2015 to comment on the US 84 widening project, say 300x175 Greasy Branch, CSX Railroad, Upper Suwannee River Watershed, in Two GA-EPD water advisories about US 84 widening project, by John S. Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 13 July 2015 two Public Advisories from GA-EPD Watershed Protection Branch. One is in the Satilla River watershed, about “two existing open water ponds (outflowing into jusrisdictional[sic] wetlands associated with Lees Branch)”: those ponds are next to the groundwater-contaminating CSX railyard in Waycross. One is in the Upper Suwannee River watershed, about “three existing open water ponds (outflowing into jusrisdictional[sic] waters associated with Greasy Creek and the CSX railroad)”. Maybe the Southern Environmental Law Center letter to GDOT and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers got some results, although these advisories are from a different state agency.

The Upper Suwannee one starts at Continue reading

For development, or not needed? US 84 widening from Homerville to Waycross

This paragraph sums it up:

300x388 Wetlands 29 and 31, in RE: SAS-2014-00862, Proposed U.S. Highway 84 Widening, by Gilbert B. Rogers, for WWALS.net, 28 May 2015 The project’s stated purpose in the EA is “economic development,” as part of the Governor’s Road Improvement Program created in the 1980s. See EA at 4. The NEPA regulations promulgated by the Council on Environmental Quality (“CEQ”) require agencies to examine the indirect impacts of projects — those growth-inducing impacts caused by a project, such as changes in land use and development patterns. 40 C.F.R. § 1508.8(b). Yet over and over, when purporting to examine the project’s potential for indirect impacts on various natural resources, the EA repeats, “The proposed project is not expected to precipitate substantial development along the corridor.”

Other questions include, why not use a narrower median? Why not leave trees on the median?

Below is the full text of the letter Continue reading

Don’t risk river for foreign oil sales –Clay Montague

Yes, it seems like robbery, and no, we don’t have to tolerate any of this.

Satilla Riverkeeper’s board member Clay Montague wrote in the Camden County Tribune & Georgian 26 March 2015, Don’t risk river for foreign oil sales,

Dear Editor,

A fuel pipeline across the Satilla River is a danger to our county. Imagine a broken pipe spilling fuel into the Satilla for just one day.

Kinder Morgan’s proposed pipeline would transport 167,000 barrels per day of refined petroleum products to Jacksonville, Fla. It will likely cross the Satilla about a mile downstream of Burnt Fort. The river is tidal there. Any spill will quickly head both directions, spreading fuel into swamps and marshes, killing fish and trees, and reach the beaches of Cumberland and Jekyll.

How much is 167,000 barrels? Continue reading

Riverkeepers v. Palmetto Pipeline

Kinder Morgan wants to run a 360-mile Palmetto pipeline from South Carolina through Georgia to Florida, but has found organized opposition in Push Back the Pipeline:

We oppose the Palmetto Project. Our coalition includes Savannah Riverkeeper, Altamaha Riverkeeper, Ogeechee Riverkeeper, Satilla Riverkeeper, St. Johns Riverkeeper, One Hundred Miles, and Environment Georgia. Kinder Morgan would build 360 miles of new pipeline across land and rivers in SC and on GA’s coast, a risk we just can’t take. Building another pipeline is a risk to Continue reading

WWALS and Satilla Riverkeeper in Perry, GA

Us south Georgia watershed groups have to stick together!

Pictured are Satilla Riverkeeper Ashby Nix, WWALS Watershed Coalition: President John S. Quarterman, Treasurer Gretchen Quarterman, Ambassador Dave Hetzel, in Perry, Georgia, 21 August 2014.

Thanks to workshop presenter Loren Moore Continue reading

Regional Water Council Meeting Wednesday AM in Valdosta

Meeting notice: -jsq



Announcement Date: May 6, 2014

The Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Planning Council is holding its next meeting
at the following date, time, and location:
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Registration: 9:30 A.M. – 10:00 A.M.
Meeting: 10:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.

Valdosta City Hall Annex
Multipurpose Room
300 N. Lee Street
Valdosta, GA

For additional information about the Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Planning
Council please contact:
Cliff Lewis, Assistant Branch Chief – EPD Watershed Protection Branch
229-391-2400 or Cliff.Lewis@dnr.state.ga.us