Tag Archives: Sewage Spill

Filthy Sugar Creek and Withlacoochee River 2025-01-02

Update 2025-01-06: Valdosta has found the Sugar Creek sewage leak 2024-01-06.

Sugar Creek is still filthy at Gornto Road to the Withlacoochee River, and at a sewer line upstream. It’s not as bad farther upstream, so that sewer line could be the creek contamination source. It’s time to fix it.

The Withlacoochee River is also filthy 62 river miles downstream, only 4 miles from the Suwannee River.

Yet Valdosta Utilities reported OK water quality in between at GA 133 and at US 84.

Did the downstream contamination wash that far down from Sugar Creek after last Sunday’s rains? Or did the downstream contamination come from somewhere else, such as from Quitman, GA, down Okapilco Creek into the Withlacoochee River? Valdosta used to test on Okapilco Creek at US 84 and on the Withlacoochee River at Knights Ferry just below Okapilco Creek, but they stopped that a year ago, so we don’t know.

No new sewage spills have been reported in the past week in the Suwannee River Basin in Florida or Georgia. But sometimes reports come late or not at all.

This weekend, I’d avoid Sugar Creek and the Withlacoochee River downstream from it all the way to the Suwannee River. If you like cold, this weekend may be good to paddle, motor, swim, or fish, on other rivers, such as the Alapaha, Santa Fe, Ichetucknee, or Suwannee.

[Filthy Sugar Creek and Withlacoochee River 2025-01-02, No rain, no reported sewage spills. What is the contamination source?]
Filthy Sugar Creek and Withlacoochee River 2025-01-02, No rain, no reported sewage spills. What is the contamination source?

Sugar Creek

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Malia Thomas of WTXL TV at closed Gornto Road bridge over Sugar Creek 2024-12-20

Update 2024-12-21: Clean Alapaha River, OK Withlacoochee River, Filthy Sugar Creek 2024-12-19.

Malia Thomas tried to cram two or three stories into her WTXL TV report about Valdosta closing the Gornto Road bridge over Sugar Creek. She asked me about all of the effects of the bridge closure, contamination of Sugar Creek, sewage spills, Valdosta municipal bonds for water and sewer projects, how those are all related, and what caused them. A for effort to Malia.

[Malia Thomas, WTXL TV, Gornto Road closed @ Sugar Creek 2024-12-20, Valdosta $67 M water & sewer bonds, Report sewage sights or smells]
Malia Thomas, WTXL TV, Gornto Road closed @ Sugar Creek 2024-12-20, Valdosta $67 M water & sewer bonds, Report sewage sights or smells

Among other things I said on-camera: to help find the source of the ongoing contamination in Sugar Creek, if anyone sees or smells sewage near Sugar Creek, One Mile Branch, or Hightower Creek, please let us know:

And contact Valdosta Utilities:

After excerpts from the WTXL story, I’ve included the Valdosta press releases about the bridge closure and businesses remaining open.

Malia Thomas, WTXL TV, December 20, 2024, Recent flood damage prompts repairs to Gornto Road bridge in Valdosta:
Valdosta works to repair Gornto Road after flood erosion compromises Earl Wetherington Bridge.

  • Heavy flooding from Hurricane Helene caused erosion under the Earl Wetherington Bridge on Gornto Road in Valdosta.
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Where are the sewage spill signs, Valdosta? 2024-12-17

Update 2024-12-21: Clean Alapaha River, OK Withlacoochee River, Filthy Sugar Creek 2024-12-19.

Update 2024-12-21: Malia Thomas of WTXL TV at closed Gornto Road bridge over Sugar Creek 2024-12-20.

Yesterday I went to the locations of all the recent creek water quality tests in Valdosta. No sewage spill warning signs were posted at any of them.

I understand that it can be difficult to find the cause of this ongoing contamination of these creeks weeks after the flash flood.

But how much can it cost to plant sewage spill warning signs?

There were no signs at Wainwright Drive or W Gordon Street on One Mile Branch, where Valdosta got 2,040 and 1,045 cfu/100 mL E. coli for Tuesday last week. The alert limit is 1,000. Not even where the Azalea City Trail goes along One Mile Branch at Wainwright Drive.

Not at St. Augustine Road on Hightower Creek where Valdosta got 1,120, nor at Baytree Road nor at the Norfolk Southern Railroad trestle sewer line on Sugar Creek where WWALS got 13,433 and 6,533 for Wednesday of last week. The higher the numbers, the more likely someone will get sick, either from the E. coli itself, or from other contaminants in sewage.

Not at Gornto Road on Sugar Creek where Valdosta got 11,900 and WWALS got TNTC, Too Numerous to Count. And not at Sugar Creek in front of Berta’s Kitchen, where WWALS got TNTC, and not at the bottom of Berta’s parking lot near the WaterGoat.

Also not at Langdale Park on the Withlacoochee River, even though Valdosta has previously posted a sewage spill sign there when there was Withlacoochee River contamination, such as the 695 Valdosta got at GA 133 for Tuesday of last week. The one-time limit is 410.

I did find one sewage spill sign: facedown in the dirt between Berta’s parking lot and the WaterGoat.

How about some sewage spill warning signs, Valdosta, planted where people can see them?

[Where are the sewage spill signs, Valdosta, E. coli counts remain sky-high 2024-12-17, One Mile Branch, Hightower Creek, Sugar Creek, Withlacoochee River]
Where are the sewage spill signs, Valdosta, E. coli counts remain sky-high 2024-12-17, One Mile Branch, Hightower Creek, Sugar Creek, Withlacoochee River

Here is a chart of the numbers. Continue reading

Horrid Sugar Creek 2024-12-02

Update 2024-12-06: Clean Alapaha and Withlacoochee Rivers: Sugar Creek still nasty 2024-12-05.

Update 2024-12-05: Valdosta has published their results for Tuesday 2024-12-03. Lower than ours at St. Augustine Road (380), but way higher at Gornto Road: 12,700, more than a dozen times the 1,000 alert limit. There has been no rain. Is there some other explanation than an intermittent sewage leak between St. Augustine Road and Gornto? -jsq

Down at the WaterGoat was the worst place for E. coli on Sugar Creek on Monday: more than three times the alert limit at 3,200 cfu/100 mL.

It is not all coming from Two Mile Branch: we also got bad results upstream.

[Still very bad 2024-12-02, Sugar Creek, Withlacoochee River, Where is the sewage spill or spills?]
Still very bad 2024-12-02, Sugar Creek, Withlacoochee River, Where is the sewage spill or spills?

Some of the colonies are faint, but they’re blue with bubbles, which is what we count: (43+28+25) * 100 / 3 = 3,200 cfu/100mL, which is more than three times the 1,000 alert limit. . Continue reading

Valdosta Sewage Spill, Meadowbrook Drive, Two Mile Branch 2024-11-26

Update 2024-12-11: Valdosta sewage spill reports to GA-EPD from November 7 through December 3, 2024 2024-12-03.

Update 2024-12-04: Horrid Sugar Creek 2024-12-02.

This sewage spill Tuesday of last week does not explain the very high E. coli results on Sugar Creek this Saturday.

[Valdosta sewage spill on Meadowbrook Drive 2024-11-26 into Two Mile Branch, Sugar Creek, Withlacoochee River]
Valdosta sewage spill on Meadowbrook Drive 2024-11-26 into Two Mile Branch, Sugar Creek, Withlacoochee River.
Map: WWALS Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (WLRWT)

I commend Valdosta for saying which waterbody the spill went into (Two Mile Branch). But the location is very vague: somewhere on Meadowbrook Drive. And why did Valdosta take a week to tell the public?

City of Valdosta Responds to Sanitary Sewer Overflow

On November 26, 2024, the Utilities: Central Line Division was notified of a potential sanitary sewer overflow on Meadowbrook Drive. Upon arrival, it was determined that an unknown obstruction or a collapse in the line was likely the cause of the issue. Central Line personnel began efforts to clear the obstruction from the sewer line but discovered the issue was more extensive than initially anticipated.

The team decided that additional personnel and equipment were necessary to assess the full scope of the problem. Bypass pumps, a larger crew, and additional equipment were brought in to perform a thorough evaluation of the line and determine the best course of action. It is estimated that 1,000 to 2,000 gallons of wastewater were released from a manhole into Two Mile Branch. City staff have initiated cleanup procedures and disinfection at the overflow site while continuing to address the repair.

The Utilities: Central Line Division will remain on-site until the issue is resolved. All appropriate regulatory and public health agencies have been notified.

The City of Valdosta remains committed to preventing sanitary sewer overflows. The Utilities Department is actively modernizing aging infrastructure and implementing a range of programs and strategies to minimize and prevent such incidents within the city limits.

For more information about these initiatives or to learn how you can contribute, please contact the City of Valdosta Utilities Department, Environmental Division, at 229-259-3592.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can help with clean, swimmable, fishable, drinkable, water in the 10,000-square-mile Suwannee River Basin in Florida and Georgia by becoming a WWALS member today!

Madison Health lifts Health Advisory for Withlacoochee River 2024-11-20

Update 2024-11-22: Cleaner Withlacoochee River 2024-11-21.

We have asked for their Friday and Monday results, and we will post them when we get them.

[Madison Health Lifts Withlacoochee River Health Advisory 2024-10-20]
Madison Health Lifts Withlacoochee River Health Advisory 2024-10-20

November 20, 2024

Madison, Fla.— The Florida Department of Health in Madison County (DOH-Madison) is lifting the advisory for high bacterial levels in the Withlacoochee River.

Tests completed on Continue reading

DOH-Madison Issues Health Advisory Near Withlacoochee River 2024-11-13

Update 2024-11-14: Bad Withlacoochee River, Sugar Creek, One Mile Branch and Alapaha River 2024-11-13.

I don’t know why it took them a week to do this.

[DOH-Madison Health Advisory Near Withlacoochee River 2024-11-13 due to a wastewater overflow in the City of Valdosta, Georgia]
DOH-Madison Health Advisory Near Withlacoochee River 2024-11-13 due to a wastewater overflow in the City of Valdosta, Georgia

November 13, 2024


DOH-Madison Issues Health Advisory
Near Withlacoochee River

Lisa Hayes

Madison, Fla.— The Florida Department of Health in Madison County (DOH-Madison) has issued a health advisory to residents and visitors near the Withlacoochee River in North Florida due to a wastewater overflow in the City of Valdosta, Georgia, that resulted in E.coli levels exceeding the 235 MPN/100ml threshold. It is recommended that residents and visitors avoid coming in contact with the impacted water, such as swimming or fishing.

DOH-Madison, Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), and Suwannee River Water Management District are working together to assess and closely monitor the situation. As these assessments continue, we will provide updates to the public.

DOH plans to conduct sampling and testing this week along the Withlacoochee River.

Until further information is known regarding possible bacterial contamination of the river, residents and visitors in the area are urged to take precautions when in contact with the Withlacoochee River.

Water contaminated with elevated fecal bacteria presents several health risks to humans. Microbes normally found with fecal bacteria could cause gastrointestinal issues and other conditions.

Anyone who comes in contact with the river water should wash thoroughly, especially before eating or drinking. Children and older adults, as well as people with weakened immune systems, are particularly vulnerable to disease, so every precaution should be taken if in contact with the river water.

For more information about the potential health effects of wastewater overflow, contact DOH- Madison at 850-973-5000 or visit Madison.FloridaHealth.gov.

### Continue reading

Valdosta City update on closed city streets after flash flood 2024-11-12

Update 2024-11-16: Withlacoochee River and Two Mile Branch better, Hightower and Sugar Creeks very bad 2024-11-14.

Update 2024-11-14: DOH-Madison Issues Health Advisory Near Withlacoochee River 2024-11-13.

Update 2024-11-14: Plus this from a Valdosta facebook post: “Due to recent severe weather that has caused hazardous conditions, Hightower Street is closed to all traffic between Melissa Drive and West Gordon Street until further notice.”

Valdosta put out a press release yesterday, November 12, 2024, about street closures due to storm damage. Here it is, followed by an update of the WWALS table of roads closed.

[Valdosta streets closed 2024-11-12 after flash flood 2024-11-06 Lowndes County, Georgia]
Valdosta streets closed 2024-11-12 after flash flood 2024-11-06 Lowndes County, Georgia

City of Valdosta Issues Road Closure Advisory for Numerous City Streets Due to Recent Storm Damage

The City of Valdosta advises all residents and commuters to exercise caution as emergency crews respond to storm damage across the area. Due to hazardous conditions resulting from recent severe weather, Country Club Drive is closed to all traffic between Williamsburg Drive and Ramblewood Circle until further notice. River Street near Saunders Park and Cypress Street near the intersection of Price Street are also closed.

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Valdosta sewage spills contained after flash flood 2024-11-11

Update 2024-12-13: Valdosta sewage spill reports to GA-EPD from November 7 through December 3, 2024 2024-12-03.

Update 2024-11-14: DOH-Madison Issues Health Advisory Near Withlacoochee River 2024-11-13

Received yesterday at 5:02 PM, November 11, 2024.

Thanks, Valdosta, for the update, and for mentioning the waterbodies affected for the WWTP and Wainwright Drive.

Regarding repairs, WWALS and many others have been asking for the Wainwright Drive manhole to be fixed for many years.

[Valdosta sewage spills contained 2024-11-11, after flash flood 2024-11-06, 7.2 millions gallons from WWTP, 272,500-276,500 from 6 others]
Valdosta sewage spills contained 2024-11-11, after flash flood 2024-11-06, 7.2 millions gallons from WWTP, 272,500-276,500 from 6 others


DATE: Monday, November 11, 2024
CONTACT: Sharah Denton, Community Relations & Marketing Manager
Telephone: (229) 259-3548

City of Valdosta Update: Sanitary Overflow at Withlacoochee WWTP and Wainwright Drive Contained Following Historic Rainfall

UPDATE: 11/11/2024: At this time both the Withlacoochee WWTP and Wainwright Sanitary Overflows have stopped. Withlacoochee WWTP has an estimated overflow of 7.2 million Gallons from its secondary EQ Basin which enters a tributary before entering the Withlacoochee River. Wainwright Drive’s estimated overflow is 250,000 gallons. This overflow entered one mile branch, Sugar Creek and will enter the Withlacoochee River. Notifications have been sent to all required parties. Utilities Central Lines, Plant and Central Maintenance Crews have been dispatched to these locations for damage assessments, repairs and clean up. Environmental Services have actively placed Spill notification signs at access points and have begun required monitoring, sampling and testing of all required locations.

On November 7, 2024, the City of Valdosta and surrounding South Georgia region experienced a significant rain event, Continue reading

Roads closed after Valdosta flash flood 2024-11-10

Update 2024-11-13: Valdosta City update on closed city streets after flash flood 2024-11-12.

Update 2024-11-12: Valdosta sewage spills contained after flash flood 2024-11-11.

Here’s a list of the roads and streets we have heard were closed after the flash flood of Wednesday, November 6, 2024, with twelve inches of rain and neighborhoods flooded.

[Roads still closed 2024-11-10 after flash flood 2024-11-06 Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia]
Roads still closed 2024-11-10 after flash flood 2024-11-06 Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia

The list is embedded below, or see it in its native googlesheets form:

So far as we know, only the locations highlighted in yellow are still closed. Continue reading