Tag Archives: Tom McCall

No coal ash in our rivers or landfills: GA Coal Ash bills introduced 2018-02-08

For property rights and clean water, you don’t want coal ash seeping through groundwater, so please contact your state legislator to support the two coal ash bills now in the Georgia House of Representatives:

HB 879, “Water resources; notice to local governing authorities prior to the dewatering of coal combustion residual surface impoundments; provide”
Georgia Power is retiring many coal plants (good, although they’re mmostly replacing them with natural gas plants; not so good), and this involves dewatering coal ash ponds near those plants;

HB 880, “Solid waste management; safe disposal of coal ash in municipal and commercial solid waste landfills; provisions”
Georgia Power wants to ship that coal ash to local landfills. Georgia Water Coalition’s policy on that I think is OK with appropriate regulation. WWALS goes beyond that and says no coal ash in landfills in the Suwannee River Basin.

coal plant and ash ponts

Please call or write: your Georgia state representative.
Thanks to the six bill sponsors, but none are in the Suwannee River Basin. Let’s see if we can fix that. Continue reading

GA HR 289: Recommend Congress remove eminent domain from Federal National Gas Act

It’s just a resolution, but if passed by the Georgia House, the same that voted 128 to 34 to deny river-drilling easements to Sabal Trail, it will send a message to Congress. Maybe Florida’s statehouse would like to pass a similar resolution.

A RESOLUTION recommending that Congress remove the power of eminent domain from the Federal Natural Gas Act; and for other purposes.,

LC 34 5041


House Resolution 289

By: Representatives Dunahoo of the 30th, Quick of the 117th, McCall of the 33rd, Caldwell of the 20th, Raffensperger of the 50th, and others


WHEREAS Recommending that Congress remove the power of eminent domain from the Federal Natural Gas Act; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, the Georgia House of Representatives and Georgia Senate are concerned about the disastrous impact unrestrained use of eminent domain has on the private property rights of the citizens of Georgia; and

WHEREAS, America’s Founding Fathers clearly understood that private property rights were the foundation, not only of prosperity, but of freedom itself; and

WHEREAS, the common law, state law, and the United States Constitution were written to protect property rights, including the rights of people to freely acquire, use, and dispose of property; and

WHEREAS, Continue reading