Board meetings are open to the public. facebook event.
Draft Agenda
7:30 PM Wednesday 14 January 2015
WWALS Board Members: John S. Quarterman (President), Garry Gentry (Secretary), Gretchen Quarterman (Treasurer), Dave Hetzel (VP for Membership and Ambassador), Bret Wagenhorst (Outings Committee Chair), Karen A. Rawlins (Events Commitee Chair), Chris Graham (Alapaha River Water Trail Committee Chair), Al Browning, Chris Mericle
- Call to Order
- Agenda Review: Additions and Changes
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Membership Committee
- Materials Garry will have a draft of a letter to old and new members.
- Other-Events events not covered under committees
- 8 April 2015 next WWALS Board meeting
- 6 Jan 2015: Meet Greenlaw and EarthJustice in Waycross about Seven Out Superfund site.
- 10 Jan 2015: Water testing certfication at Reed Bingham.
Organized by Adopt-A-Stream Ochlockonee River Water Trail and Golden Triangle RC&D, but in WWALS watersheds.
- Outings Committee
- 26 Oct 2014: Alapaha Sink: WWALS Outing
- 22 Nov 2014: Okefenokee Outing
- 20 Dec 2014: Cleanup on US 82 near Jasper, FL
- 17 Jan 2015: Expert Paddle on the Alapaha River from US 82 Outing
- 15 May 2015: Third Annual Big LITTLE RIVER Paddle Race
- Alapaha Water Trail Committee, aka WWALS-ART. –Chris See /maps/alapaha-water-trail/.
- 15 Jan 2015: GRN grant mid-term report due; see timeline.
- Events Committee
- 13 Dec 2014: Organizational meeting for the Alapaha Water Trail
at the Gaskins Forest Education Center.
- 14 March 2015: Water Trail conference, also at the Gaskins Forest Education Center.
- 9 July 2014 Karan suggested: Potential joint fundraiser with Coastal Plains Chapter of the Native Plant Society. Karan will check on whether we need a license to sell plants.
- 9 July 2014 Gretchen and Bret suggested also how about tour of gardens at UGA in Tifton. Karan will look into that, as well.
- Public Relations Committee
Current WWALS Committee with members are listed on the WWALS website under About, then under Committees, /about/committees/
- For PR to list an outing or event, we need to know: date, time of day, where, directions to get there written for somebody who knows nothing about it, and who’s in charge of ensuring the event happens.
- GWC PR in October
- Committee for opposition to Sabal Trail methane pipeline? -jsq
- Review Action Item List: Please send reports to the board list before the meeting.
- Business and membership cards –GG Looking into using social media advertising for targeted recruitment. Gretchen to take over issue and Garry will get thank-you cards he bought to Dave to bring to next meeting and Karan will put logos and items in dropbox.
- Request for information from DNR –jsq Development laws and regulations related to water.
- Ongoing opposition to Sabal Trail methane pipeline. –jsq
- Waycross about the Seven Out Superfund site –jsq
- Distribution of list of sites on EPA/EPD lists for counties in our watershed –jsq
- Flooding study by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). –jsq
- How busy everybody is
- Other Business
- Adjourn
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