Long Alapaha River Paddle, GA 135 to Berrien Beach 2016-02-20

Update 2016-02-19: Water is high and fast, so expert paddlers only, come early, and be ready.

Continuing our exploration of the entire Alapaha River Water Trail, Tall from Willacoochee we’re into the longer stretches, including this one.

Events: facebook, meetup.

When: 8AM Saturday 20 February 2016

Put In: GA 135, MILE 106.5, Atkinson County side, 2.8 miles south of Willacoochee, GA, Atkinson County.

Take Out: GA 168 (Berrien Beach), MILE 88.24, N side of GA 168, west side of Alapaha River; float downstream under the bridge to the sand beaches, Berrien County

Duration: 18.25 miles. This paddle could take as long as 9-10 hrs.

Shuttle: Probably more than 30 minutes due to distance.

End time: Around 6PM. Yes, really all day.

This outing is Free! But we encourage you to join WWALS today to support our fun outings and important work: /donations/.

See the WWALS newsletters, and the press Releases and news. And consider joining the Alapaha River Water Trail Committee.

Wide with Nashville

Boaters GA 135 seems to be one of our most popular locations:

Backup in case of low or high water:

Where: Banks Lake, 307 Georgia 122, Lakeland, GA 31635, Lanier County

Directions: 18 miles east of Hahira (I-75 exit 29), 2 miles west of Lakeland, south side of GA 122

When: 10AM Saturday January 16, 2016

Coming up even sooner than February:

Update 22 Nov 2015: And more *:

Watch the WWALS calendar for more outings and events!


You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

One thought on “Long Alapaha River Paddle, GA 135 to Berrien Beach 2016-02-20

  1. Pingback: Pictures: Lakeland to Hotchkiss Road, WWALS Outing –Gretchen Quarterman | WWALS Watershed Coalition

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