Suwannee County Commissioners to hike to Suwannee River Sabal Trail crossing

The joint walk to the Suwannee River by Sierra Club, WWALS, and Spectrabusters 16 January 2016 has gotten the mostly-recalcitrant Suwannee County Board of Commissioners to agree to come along next time.


After hiking the pipeline route, Commissioner Clyde Fleming became very concerned as he saw the sinkholes in and all around the route. He stated “Sabal Trail has lied to us” and expressed concerns about the integrity of ANY of the environmental studies Suwannee county has received from them.

Due to the efforts of Commissioners Fleming and Sessions, last night the SBOCC reluctantly agreed (without a vote) to visit the Sabal Trail pipeline’s proposed boring site under the Suwannee River at the Suwannee River State Park sometime in mid-February.

Despite objections by Commissioner Wainwright, who stated that he has already walked the route and says he is doing his own research.

The SBOCC voted to remain neutral on the Sabal Trail pipeline at their last meeting — vote 3-2 — with Fleming and Sessions voting nay.

Suwannee County citizens are very grateful to have at least two Commissioners that are willing to represent their constituents. Bless you both Clyde Fleming and Larry Sessions.

Don’t forget to sign or distribute the petition to federal officials.


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2 thoughts on “Suwannee County Commissioners to hike to Suwannee River Sabal Trail crossing

  1. Alton Paul Burns

    Thank you Commissioners Larry Sessions & Clyde Fleming for your wise vote and your wisdom to see that for Spectra is the fathers brother sisters mother of lies. -apb

  2. Pingback: Sabal Trail will monitor Suwannee River HDD –FERC in issuing certificate | WWALS Watershed Coalition

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