Commissioners from counties on both sides of the Suwannee River saw the sinkholes and big oaks and pines directly above and near where
Sabal Trail proposes to bore under Suwannee River State Park and the River,
led by WWALS board member and Hamilton County resident Chris Mericle,
assisted by Debra Johnson of SpectraBusters, Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson of Our Santa Fe River (OSFR), and others from as far away as south Florida.
All but one of the Suwannee County Commissioners were there, and he had a good excuse.
They also saw Falmouth Spring, which is part of a cave system which Sabal Trail claims is 100 feet deep. Both county commissions meet Tuesday March 1st; see below for details.
WWALS videos
to come now posted.
You can see
a woman from the Suwannee County Clerk’s office also videoing.
Sabal Trail declined to send anyone to this well-announced hike, although Spectra has been holding one-on-one meetings with individual county commissioners, as recently as yesterday. Or, rather six to one, just like they did in their “Open Houses” two years ago when they surrounded each landowner with six pipeline blueshirts. Funny how people aren’t buying what Spectra is selling so much anymore. More on that later.
Both Boards of Commissioners meet next Tuesday 1 March 2016:
Hamilton Board of County Commissioners
9AM 1 March 2016
207 NE First Street Jasper, Florida 32052
They said they will have a letter or resolution about Sabal Trail on the agenda. No agenda is posted yet.
They long ago passed resolutions against Sabal Trail and
Suwannee Board of County Commissioners
6PM 1 March 2016
218 Parshley St. SW, Live Oak, FL 32064
Their agenda is posted and has nothing about Sabal Trail on it.
Remember they can add anything the want to at the meeting.
And they have already passed a resolution to move the Hildreth compressor station
a resolution against fracking.
Now if they will pass a resolution against Sabal Trail drilling under the rivers….
You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!
Suwannee River still above walkway at Suwanneee River Campsites 30.4138031, -83.1589966
Sabal Trail survey stake and sinkhole
People walking the Sabal Trail through sinkholes
Onwards to the next sinkhole 30.4077339, -83.1608047
Astonishment at the sinkholes 30.4080810, -83.1609268
More at this sinkhole 30.4080810, -83.1609268
Sinkhole within of Sabal Trail stake by man in left background 30.4080047, -83.1610794
Suwannee and Hamilton County Commissioners and staff and citizens 30.4080734, -83.1610489
KIMG3662 30.4080429, -83.1610336
Chris Mericle guiding the group
KIMG3664 30.4092026, -83.1629715
Big sinkhole directly in Sabal Trail path 30.4090805, -83.1630020
Sabal Trail marker 30.3726177, -83.1554794
More Sabal Trail markers 30.3725853, -83.1553116
Falmouth Spring 30.3613548, -83.1348572
Gathering at Falmouth Spring 30.3613224, -83.1348419
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Pingback: Videos: Hike to Sabal Trail route across Suwannee River with Suwannee and Hamilton County Commissioners 2016-02-18 | WWALS Watershed Coalition