Steve Pieczenik called the Union County Commissioners brave, honest, respectful, efficient, and transparent public servants. Jim Tatum said they had foresight and had taken appropriate steps. Both complimented the many mine opponents who showed up and spoke their piece briefly and effectively. Here are a couple of reports from Union BOCC’s Monday workshop about the HPS II phosphate mine.
John S. Quarterman for WWALS on Southwings flight, 17 Sep. 2017,
N from New River across mine site: l. New River P. r. Beasley; left center prison; top left Lake Butler, 09:55:21,
29.9550800, -82.3183000
The next one is coming up 5PM Tuesday, January 16, 2018, at which Union BOCC is scheduled to vote on extending its moratorium against phosphate mining, as well as reviewing their proposed Comprehensive Plan changes.
Meanwhile, across the New River, Bradford BOCC Continue reading