Flash in the pan, Sabal Trail? 2018-01-06

Where did that gas go for that one day, Sabal Trail? You didn’t do a very good job of demonstrating customers by dropping back to less than 2% Nom/Cap today. Did you break something? Again? Explain to us, FERC: why is this pipeline needed?

January 2018, Operational Capacity
January 2018

Also, FERC, if you did your job, we wouldn’t have to draw graphs like this. The best way to do your job would be to shut down Sabal Trail.

All (June 2017-January 2018), Operational Capacity
All reported days, 13 June 2017 – 6 January 2018

Thanks to eagle-eye WWALS member Janet Barrow for spotting this flash in the pan.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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