All the public speakers were against the phosphate mine. Before the Commissioners decided, Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson spoke about rain, the Chemours mine, and how what Bradford County does affects her business downstream. (I think Stasia Rudolph also spoke before I got there.) After some confusion on timing, afterwards Marc Lyons reminded them Citizens Against Phosphate Mines (CAPM) is ready to sue, and Kate Ellison said she hopes this means we will all see the consultant’s report before the public hearings. I sent a letter and a resolution the previous day and gave them paper copies.
The actual decision was much better than expected. While some Commissioners wanted to hold a public hearing on the phosphate mine proposal next month and be done with it, the actual decision was to hold a series of hearings in January, after the election and giving plenty of time for everyone to prepare. As Scott R. Koons of the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council reminded the Commissioners, these will be quasi-judicial hearings, with attorneys, expert witnesses, and evidence, and all the same Commissioners must sit in each hearing. If one Commissioner misses the first hearing, that Commissioner can’t sit in any of the other hearings. This is serious business.
Below are links to each of the WWALS videos, with a few notes, followed by a WWALS video playlist. See also the agenda.
Rain and downstream business –Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson
Resident of Fort White, Florida –Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson
Want to speak on 10.B. when we come to it –Kate Ellison
Can speak on 10.B. when we come to it –Kate Ellison
2. Consent Agenda 3. Payment of Bills
4. Medical Examiner Services
4. Cont. Medical Examiner Services
5. Bradford Cowboys Athletic Association
6. Bradford County Fair Association
6. Vote: Bradford County Fair Association
7. Orig. FL Tourism Task Force 8. N Cent. FL Reg. Planning Council
7. Vote to fund out of motel taxes
8. Vote to fund
9. N FL Econ. Dev. Partnership
9. Cont. NFEDP
10.A. Fire Chief Employment Services
10.B. Quasi-judicial, same Commissioners for all hearings
10.B. Back to back meetings?
10.B. Dredging, Chemours, Phosphate mine, lawsuit –Marc Lyons for CAPM
10.B. Thank you for taking more time –Kate Ellison
10.C. Fire Assessment Consulting Services
10.D. [Campground permits]
Provide direction to staff regarding response by Sandy Starling, Robert Starling and Ruby Harper to
Bradford County (North Central Florida Regional Planning Council) Special Exception Analysis.
Video. They created some homeless children. They did say they would do something to help them, but it was not clear what. Apparently some of the adults affected were sitting in the back row, since you can see them file out after this item.
10.E. Theressa Substation Property
11.A-B. Resolutions of Emergency about dredging
12.A. Schedule Millage and Budget Public Hearings
13.A. Graphic Design Services
13.B. Road widening and resurfacing
13.C. Repair fire engine
13.D. Mental Health Services
13.E. Concerned Citizens of Bradford County
13.G. Does the Board desire to fund a FY 18-19 budget request made by Episcopal Children’s Service in the amount of $5,000.00 (same as FY 17-18) for childcare programs for low-income parents (budget presentation made 8/6/18)?
Video. This was the only item for which they had trouble getting a motion.
13.G. Cont. Need second, finally vote on Childcare
13.H. Senior service programs
13.I. Bradford County Economic Development Authority
13.J. School site coordinators
13.K. School transportation
13.L. City-County workshop
13.L. Cont. City-County workshop
14-15. Chairman & Commissioners Comments
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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