Update 2020-06-15: And again six months later, Knights Ferry Boat Ramp signs replanted 2020-06-15.
Thanks to Dan Phillips for replanting new and updated copies of the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (WLRWT) signs at Knights Ferry Boat Ramp and Nankin Boat Ramp on the Withlacoochee River.
The previous signs were stolen. If you want copies of these signs, we’ll be happy to sell them to you for $50 a pair.
Or you can donate to the cost of printing more of these metal signs to go at more access points.
The signs at Nankin Boat Ramp are attached to the video surveillance sign so as to be harder to steal.
Each location has a pair of signs, one of which is the same at each location. It’s the one for the WLRWT, with Safety and Etiquette information, along with a map of the entire WLRWT and logos of Sponsors of This Water Trail.
Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail
The other sign of each pair is for each specific location. The Knights Ferry Boat Ramp sign mentions the Knights Ferry bridge abutments and Redland Creek downstream, as well as upstream Spains Ferry, Okapilco Creek, Tiger Creek, and Spook Bridge. There are maps and logos of organizations Supporting This Boat Ramp.
The Nankin Boat Ramp sign is maybe the busiest, with shoals, creeks, McIntyre Spring, Arnold Springs, and crossing into Florida and back to Georgia twice.
We also reprinted the State Line Boat Ramp signs. The old ones are still in place, just shot up a bit. These copies went to Louie Goodin, Hamilton County Coordinator, for the Hamilton Tourist Development Council to consider as templates for making signs for the access points in Hamilton County, maybe to go on the kiosks that have mostly nothing on them.
Denise Shirey, Debbie and Jason Valinsky at Florida Campsites Ramp in Hamilton County, Florida, 2019-12-16.
They’re holding reprints of the signs at the water at State Line Ramp for the
Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail, since we’re considering making similar signs for farther downstream including at Florida Campsites Ramp.
More later about Florida Campsites.
And we reprinted the Troupville Boat Ramp signs. The old signs are still there, also slightly shot up, a few thousand feet upstream on the Little River from its Confluence with the Withlacoochee River just west of Valdosta. That pair went to Chris Hamilton, CEO of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Convention Center and Tourism Authority, for display at the convention center.
Today’s the last day to send in a letter, like Chris Hamilton and VLCCTA did, supporting the WWALS grant pre-application to the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Program (GOSP) for a Troupville River Camp between Troupville Boat Ramp and the Little River Confluence with the Withlacoochee River.
a positive impact on the economy here and, likewise, the quality of life.
Remember, you can donate to the cost of printing more of these metal signs to go at more access points.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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