Ordinances: Wood pellet plant, Adel, GA 2020-09-21

Thanks to Adel City Clerk Rhonda Rowe, here are the annexation and rezoning ordinances read on September 8. The second reading is this Monday, September 21, 2020, at 5:30 PM, at Adel City Hall. Presumably the Adel City Council will vote after the Public Hearing.

[Ordinances and Application maps]
Ordinances and Application maps

The ordinances refer to exhibits which are in the application she also sent, from the Adel Adel Industrial Development Authority (AIDA), for this annexation and rezoning. We had actually already seen those in the staff report to the Planning Commission.

See the previous post for context. And see you there Monday evening.

[Ordinance 20-06 Annexation]
Ordinance 20-06 Annexation

[Ordinance 20-07 Rezoning]
Ordinance 20-07 Rezoning

AIDA application for rezoning and annexation

[Application form]
Application form

[Request 171.026 acres to Heavy Industry zoning 2020-03-05]
Request 171.026 acres to Heavy Industry zoning 2020-03-05

[Current Property Use: Agricultural]
Current Property Use: Agricultural

[Exhibit 1: description of tract]
Exhibit 1: description of tract

[Exhibit 2: Plat of Survey]
Exhibit 2: Plat of Survey

[Cook County Zoning Map]
Cook County Zoning Map

[Cook County Tax Assessors Map]
Cook County Tax Assessors Map

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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