The second headliner at the Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest 2022 was Dirty Bird and the Flu, with a surprise guest appearance by Free Range Strange.
Here’s a WWALS video playlist:
Videos: Dirty Bird and the Flu @ Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest 2022-08-20
Thanks for playing, Flu!
And here are links to each video segment, mostly corresponding to songs:
Setup: Dirty Bird and the Flu –MC Chuck Roberts
Dirty Bird and the Flu
Dirty Bird and the Flu (1)
Dirty Bird and the Flu (2)
Dirty Bird and the Flu (3)
Cigarette Song –Dirty Bird and the Flu
Free Range Strange –Dirty Bird and the Flu
Lay me down a pallet on your floor –Dirty Bird and the Flu
I know you rider –Free Range Strange \u0026 DB \u0026 Flu
I know you rider (cont.) –Free Range Strange \u0026 DB Flu
Silent auction + merch –WWALS E.D. Gretchen Quarterman
Stranger –Free Range Strange \u0026 DB Flu
All I want to do –Dirty Bird and the Flu
Rattle that Cage –Dirty Bird and the Flu
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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