Agenda and registration for Gainesville meeting against Sabal Trail 2016-08-06

This Saturday in Gainesville, Florida, organized by Gulf Restoration Network, the opposition to Sabal Trail and all its ugly stepsisters expands even more.

Meme WWALS board member Chris Mericle is an introductory speaker, and WWALS member Cecile Scofield will speak about LNG export and rail projects, along with many new speakers from Florida and beyond.

When: 8:30 AM to 5PM Saturday August 6th 2016

Where: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Gainesville
4225 NW 34th St,
Gainesville, FL 32605

Sign up online:

Facebook: event


8:30-10am Registration Open
9:15-10am Sabal Trail 101 with Chris Mericle and Maxine Connor
  1. Liquified Natural Gas Exports 101 with Donny from We Are Cove Point (room 1)
  2. Pipelines & the Anti-Fracking Connection & 101 with Elise Keaton from the West Virginia Mountain Party (room 2)
11:15am- 12:30pm Environmental & Climate Justice 101 with Michelle Suarez from Organize Florida
12:30-1:15pm Lunch Break & Networking
1:15 – 1:45 Morning Report-Back
1:45 – 2pm Afternoon Announcements & Break
2 – 3:15pm
  1. Landowner Rights 101(room 1) with Elise Keaton of the West Virginia Mountain Party
  2. Natural Gas Storage Facilities & Rail Projects with CeCe Scofield with Coalition for Responsible Citing of LNG Facilities (room 2)
3:15 – 4pm Campaign Strategy Training (room 1) with Kim Ross from ReThink Energy Florida Media Strategy 101 with Raleigh Hoke from Gulf Restoration Network (room 2)
4 – 5pm Action Planning & Group Next Steps!
