Suddenly, all the fecal coliform readings are down. Was there a first flush from the rain on November 14 that caused the high readings of that day, and all that washed down the rivers within a week?
At US 41 (North Valdosta Road), the Withlacoochee River was actually in minor flood several of the intervening days, according to the USGS US 41 (Valdosta) Gauge.
Here are the US 41 readings.
Also at the Alapahahoochee River at GA 135.
Everything was down in the Alapahoochee Basin.
And every reading in the Alapaha Basin was way down.
For more see Water Quality Testing, which includes how you can sign up to help.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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Map in Water Reporter
Here is the map of this data in Water Reporter. Click on one of the diamond shapes to see graphs.
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