Signs, no pipeline, new fallers, and a fine day on the Withlacoochee River
Langdale Park to the US 41 bridge: here are some pictures of
Kayaktivism, October 3rd 2015.
Thanks to Ashlie Marie Prain and others for organizing this event by the Valdosta State University (VSU) Anthropology Club, the VSU Sociology Club, and Students Against Violating the Environment (S.A.V.E.), which was also cleanup for Keep Lowndes/Valdosta Beautiful (KLVB), and a WWALS Field Trip, plus Tom Hochschild was there for the Lowndes County Democratic Party (LCDP), which, like WWALS, is an intervenor on FERC Sabal Trail Docket No. CP15-17.
Don’t forget to e-comment to FERC today! Today’s the deadline for e-comments about the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS).
Special thanks to Ashlie’s father and brother for clearing deadfalls before the event.
You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!
Click on any picture for a bigger version. (That wasn’t working briefly due to a bug, but that’s fixed, so you can see the bigger pictures now.)
Kayaks and students 30.8867588, -83.3232040
KLVB cleanup materials 30.8875274, -83.3235779
Mushrooms 30.8878364, -83.3230591
S.A.V.E. and WWALS banners with students 30.8879108, -83.3241730
Pipelines Explode! A sign on every kayak 30.8879108, -83.3241730
Putting in 30.8878860, -83.3246002
Starting to float 30.8878860, -83.3246002
Heading on up 30.8879032, -83.3246231
Paddling 30.8878746, -83.3245773
The greatest danger is apathy 30.8880768, -83.3243179
Getting the hang of it 30.8882389, -83.3236236
Floating where we had to drag the week before 30.8888492, -83.3224640
More signs 30.8905029, -83.3210373
Traffic jam 30.8910866, -83.3202896
Bridge in sight 30.8912372, -83.3198776
Something hanging from the bridge 30.8912372, -83.3198776
Movie: paddling to the bridge sign (27M) 30.8912372, -83.3198776
No pipeline sign on bridge 30.8920612, -83.3194427
Going under the bridge 30.8922615, -83.3191910
Tom Hochschild fell in 30.8925571, -83.3191528
Movie: Tom in the water (21M) 30.8925571, -83.3191528
The nominal depth on the US 41 guage, on that same bridge, was about 5.25 feet. Clearly it was even shallower where Tom was standing.
Lunch stop 30.8928680, -83.3186798
Julie wanted to explore farther up 30.8942833, -83.3188095
The Country Club log jam 30.8943481, -83.3187714
Country Club trash 30.8946209, -83.3183059
Julie Bowland framed 30.8948917, -83.3182754
The fallers: John S. Quarterman, Tom Hochschild, Lindsey Brooke Williams, Ashlie Marie Prain 30.8930683, -83.3185959
No Pipeline! –Ashlie Prain 30.8930683, -83.3185959
Heading back down 30.8882198, -83.3240127
Movie: Oops (23M) 30.8882198, -83.3240127
Spider! and a canoe capsized 30.8882046, -83.3240280
Three new fallers! 30.8882046, -83.3240280
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