Tag Archives: Students Against Violating the Environment

Pipeline Panel #NoDAPL #NoSabalTrail @ VSU 2016-09-28

Come hear how the Standing Rock Sioux in North Dakota are protecting their water from the same fossil industry and the same companies that want to drill the Sabal Trail pipeline under our Withlacoochee and Suwannee Rivers in south Georgia and north Florida.

14257461 1383948684952749 4716478531857571384 O When: 7PM Wednesday September 28th 2016

What: The Pipeline Controversy

Where: Cypress Room
University Center
Valdosta State University Continue reading

WWALS Adopt-A-Stream Cleanup at Berrien Beach Landing (GA 168) –Gretchen Quarterman 2016-09-10

WWALS collected many bags of trash and four mattresses Saturday in the Rivers-Alive Cleanup at Berrien Beach Launch on the Alapaha River.

At Berrien Beach (with permission) Thanks to Bret Wagenhorst for organizing this annual cleanup. Special thanks to the three members of Valdosta State’s Students Against Violating the Environment (S.A.V.E.) for joining in, and a student from UGA Tifton!

This outing was also part of the Great Suwannee River Cleanup, and we’ll have some more of those this year. This particular cleanup was at Berrien Beach Landing in Berrien County on the Alapaha River Water Trail. Thanks to Al Browning and the landowner for access to the sands of Berrien Beach in Lanier County.

See also the Video: #NoDAPL #NoSabalTrail —WWALS 2016-09-10.

More WWALS outings:

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WWALS at The Happening at VSU, Tomorrow, August 25th 2016

WWALS Happening Booth 2015 WWALS will have a booth at The Happening tomorrow (Thursday, August 25th) at which new and returning students to Valdosta State University (VSU) have an opportunity to learn about both the local community and campus clubs. We will be sharing a booth with Students Against Violating the Environment (S.A.V.E) and look forward to collaborating with them on projects throughout the year.

The Happening is open to the community and we invite you to come an visit us from 1-4 on the front lawn at VSU.


You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Earth Day 2016, at VSU, on the Alapaha River, and worldwide

Noon to 3PM today, WWALS will be on the VSU front lawn with VSU Front Lawn Students Against Violating the Environment (S.A.V.E.), celebrating Earth Day, recommending along with Waterkeeper Alliance: Keep it in the Ground, especially fracking for pipelines including Sabal Trail, and congratulating Lowndes County on progress on the new Naylor Boatramp and Valdosta on finally almost just about pretty soon finishing its fixes to stop spilling sewage into our rivers.

Tomorrow at 8AM, come paddle with WWALS from Hotchkiss Road in Lanier County to Mayday in Echols County, past the new park and boat ramp Lowndes County is building just north of US 84. Next month at Reed Bingham State Park between Adel and Moultrie, GA, it’s the BIG Little River Paddle Race, registration 8-9AM Saturday May 21, 2016. And in June come paddle on the Withlacoochee River from Florida Campsites Ramp to Suwannee River State Park, Saturday June 4, 2016. Before then we hope to invite everybody downstream from Valdosta’s sewage spills to attend the end-of-May signing ceremony for the new Valdosta force main and uphill Withlacoochee Wastewater Treatment Plant!

If you fall in on one of these outings, you could win Continue reading

New fallers and a sign on the bridge: pictures of Kayaktivism 2015-10-03

Signs, no pipeline, new fallers, and a fine day on the Withlacoochee River No Pipeline! --Ashlie Prain 30.8930683, -83.3185959 from Langdale Park to the US 41 bridge: here are some pictures of Kayaktivism, October 3rd 2015.

Thanks to Ashlie Marie Prain and others for organizing this event by the Valdosta State University (VSU) Anthropology Club, the VSU Sociology Club, and Students Against Violating the Environment (S.A.V.E.), which was also cleanup for Keep Lowndes/Valdosta Beautiful (KLVB), and a WWALS Field Trip, plus Tom Hochschild was there for the Lowndes County Democratic Party (LCDP), which, like WWALS, is an intervenor on FERC Sabal Trail Docket No. CP15-17.

Don’t forget to e-comment to FERC today! Today’s the deadline for e-comments about the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS).

Special thanks to Continue reading

Withlacoochee River upstream, Langdale Park to US 41, kayaktivism against Sabal Trail pipeline 2015-10-03

Come paddle the idyllic Withlacoochee River in its most urbanized area, Valdosta, The bridge in sight 30.8907604, -83.3211441 help clean up trash, and do kayaktivism against the Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline, which would cross only a few miles downstream. This is a WWALS Field Trip from Langdale Park upstream to the North Valdosta Road Bridge, Saturday morning October 3rd 2015, in support of the VSU Anthropology Club, the VSU Sociology Club, and Students Against Violating the Environment (S.A.V.E.), who invite you to Kayaktivism Day 2015!

Help us protect the Withlacoochee River!

If I’m not mistaken, Continue reading

Boat ramp at Langdale Park.

Who’s in charge of clearing deadfalls in the Withlacoochee River?

See Withlacoochee River upstream, Langdale Park to US 41, kayaktivism against Sabal Trail pipeline 2015-10-03

WWALS at Earth Day by S.A.V.E. at Drexel Park near VSU today

Update 2014-04-25 11:AM: Unfortunately the whole event has been cancelled.

300x225 Earth Day 2015, in Earth Day by S.A.V.E., by John S. Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 25 April 2015 Come hear from Students Against Violating the Environment (S.A.V.E.) about fossil fuel divestment and other environmental issues, 1-4PM today in Drexel Park, NE corner of Patterson Street and Brookwood Avenue; Facebook event. Rain location: University Center, just south of Brookwood.

WWALS will have Alapaha River Water Trail brochures, flyers for the Third Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race 2015-05-16 and other WWALS events, plus news about opposition to the Sabal Trail pipeline.

WWALS and S.A.V.E. have long been allied in opposing the Sabal Trail pipeline, and in proposing fossil fuel divestment. WWALS sent a letter to the VSU Foundation 18 October 2013 quoting S.A.V.E.: Continue reading

WWALS at Earth Day by SAVE

WWALS will have a table at Earth Day today, 1PM in the Magnolia Room, University Center, VSU. That’s on the east side of Patterson Street, just south of Brookwood Drive from Drexel Park.


WWALS supports S.A.V.E.’s fossil fuel divestment request to VSU

Approved by the WWALS Board by email 17 October 2013.

WWALS Watershed Coalition
3338 Country Club Road #L336
Valdosta, GA 31605
18 October 2013

Mr. John Crawford
Vice President for Advancement
   and Trustee
VSU Foundation
   and Board of Trustees
1500 N. Patterson Street
Valdosta, GA 31698

WWALS Watershed Coalition, a nonprofit group working for conservation of the Withlacoochee, Willacoochee, Alapaha, and Little River Systems, supports the fossil fuel divestment request of Students Against Violating the Environment (S.A.V.E.).

In addition to the points made by S.A.V.E., WWALS would like to add that oil and gas leaks run downhill in our watersheds, fracking for natural gas pollutes groundwater, and fossil fuel energy plants use massive amounts of water that could go for agriculture or drinking. Divestment from fossil fuels by VSU by itself won’t stop leaks or end fracking or shut down coal plants. But it will send a clear signal that our regional state university is leading the shift from fossil fuels to renewable solar and wind power with efficiency and conservation.

Fracking may seem distant, but right now there is a proposed natural gas pipeline from Alabama to Florida that threatens Georgia’s environment and Georgians’ property rights. We don’t want an exploding pipeline like just happened in Oklahoma.

Perhaps like Harvard President Drew Faust some don’t want to get academic VSU involved in politics. But all our investments are political, and there’s nothing neutral about funding climate wreckage. As S.A.V.E. put it in their letter:

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