WWALS Adopt-A-Stream Cleanup at Berrien Beach Landing (GA 168) –Gretchen Quarterman 2016-09-10

WWALS collected many bags of trash and four mattresses Saturday in the Rivers-Alive Cleanup at Berrien Beach Launch on the Alapaha River.

At Berrien Beach (with permission) Thanks to Bret Wagenhorst for organizing this annual cleanup. Special thanks to the three members of Valdosta State’s Students Against Violating the Environment (S.A.V.E.) for joining in, and a student from UGA Tifton!

This outing was also part of the Great Suwannee River Cleanup, and we’ll have some more of those this year. This particular cleanup was at Berrien Beach Landing in Berrien County on the Alapaha River Water Trail. Thanks to Al Browning and the landowner for access to the sands of Berrien Beach in Lanier County.

See also the Video: #NoDAPL #NoSabalTrail —WWALS 2016-09-10.

More WWALS outings:

For more outings and events as they are posted, see the WWALS calendar.

Pictures of this cleanup from Gretchen Quarterman’s facebook album are below; click on any small picture for a bigger picture.


You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Heather and Dave confer.
Heather and Dave confer.

Deanna Mericle
Deanna Mericle

And shes all smiles â?? with Deanna Mericle.
And shes all smiles â?? with Deanna Mericle.

Berrien Beach Landing at GA 168
Berrien Beach Landing at GA 168

Katherine Brim-Vanscyoc
Katherine Brim-Vanscyoc

Tea-colored tannic river water
Tea-colored tannic river water

Cleaning up the ramp
Cleaning up the ramp

Tony Rowden, Livi, and Jyrell of VSU Students Against Violating the Environment (S.A.V.E.)
Tony Rowden, Livi, and Jyrell of VSU Students Against Violating the Environment (S.A.V.E.)

We see you, Heather
We see you, Heather

Chris Mericle, Tony Rowden, John S. Quarterman, Heather Brasell, Live Cote, Jyrell, Deanna Mericle, shirley Kokidko, Dave Hetzel, Bret Wagenhorst, Gretchen Quarterman, and a few anonymeese
Chris Mericle, Tony Rowden, John S. Quarterman, Heather Brasell, Live Cote, Jyrell, Deanna Mericle, shirley Kokidko, Dave Hetzel, Bret Wagenhorst, Gretchen Quarterman, and a few anonymeese

Trash muscle man â?? with Phil Hubbard
Trash muscle man â?? with Phil Hubbard

Its starting to pile up
Its starting to pile up

Deanna took this photo. Phil made the great water bottle.
Deanna took this photo. Phil made the great water bottle.

Milling about
Milling about

Bret Wagenhorst explains it all.
Bret Wagenhorst explains it all.

Alapaha River
Alapaha River

Tea-colored Alapaha River
Tea-colored Alapaha River

Swept by the Alapaha River
Swept by the Alapaha River

Trash loaded up. This stuff does not belong near the river.
Trash loaded up. This stuff does not belong near the river.

Deanna and Chris load the first mattress
Deanna and Chris load the first mattress

Bret, Phil, Dave, with mattress 2 & 3
Bret, Phil, Dave, with mattress 2 & 3

And a box spring. This does not belong in the woods.
And a box spring. This does not belong in the woods.

Swampy area
Swampy area

wildlife tracks
wildlife tracks

Turkey tracks
Turkey tracks

Phil Hubbard
Phil Hubbard

At Berrien Beach (with permission)
At Berrien Beach (with permission)

Berrien Beach upstream to the GA 168 bridge
Berrien Beach upstream to the GA 168 bridge

Cleaning up Berrien Beach
Cleaning up Berrien Beach

A mussle
A mussle

Lanier County
Lanier County

John S. Quarterman and Chris Mericle under the GA 168 bridge
John S. Quarterman and Chris Mericle under the GA 168 bridge