Monthly Archives: October 2016

Aerials: Suwannee, Ocholockonee, Withlacoochee, Santa Fe Rivers, Okapilco Creek, Sabal Trail Moultrie CY3-6 @ WWALS Southwings 2016-10-22

Update 2016-11-07: You can put your own pictures on a related google map.

Digging under I-10 with traffic on it, 30.3512070, -83.1606820 From the air what you can’t see from the ground: Sabal Trail through north Florida and south Georgia.

Driving down I-10, you wouldn’t know Sabal Trail was digging underneath you,g for example.

Digging under I-10 with traffic on it,

On Saturday October 22nd 2016, Southwings flew WWALS over more than 100 miles of the Sabal Trail route: Continue reading

WWALS and children at Trunk or Treat at Reed Bingham State Park 2016-10-29

Girl Scouts helping Girl Scouts were a big part of our success today! Boy Scouts wanted to know if we had Eagle Scout projects: yes, we do! Thank you to our new friends.

People wanted to know about outings, advocacy, pipeline, and since Reed Bingham is on the Little River, I gave out all the pamphlets for the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail I had printed. An excellent time was had by WWALS and all at the Reed Bingham Trunk or Treat Fall Festival.


You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

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WWALS at Reed Bingham Fall Festival 2016-10-29

The wizard is in

Update 2016-10-30: Pictures and scouts.

WWALS will have a bean bag game at Reed Bingham State Park this Saturday. You may not be too old to win some candy! Come join us on the banks of the Little River, between Adel and Moultrie, Georgia.

When: 1-5PM Saturday October 29th 2016

Where: Reed Bingham State Park, 542 Reed Bingham Rd, Adel, GA 31620

Handshake Facebook: event

Moultrie Observer, 26 October 2016, Reed Bingham to host Fall Festival, Halloween events,

All participants should give out individually wrapped candies or promotional items appropriate to families. Friends of Reed Bingham will give a prize for the best decorated “Trunk”

For more information or Continue reading

Mozell Spells, Horn Bridge, GA-FL line, Withlacoochee River 2016-10-22

Movie: Horn Bridge, Mozell Spells, Withlacoochee River, GA-FL line (227K) Pictures and a movie clip from the air (thanks, Southwings!) of Mozell Spells, aka Madison Highway Boat Ramp, State Line Ramp (GA DNR) or GA 31 Ramp (SRWMD) or CR 145 Bridge Launch (FDEP).

This is one of two dozen public landings on the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (WLRWT). It’s at the Georgia-Florida state line, and in the big picture (scroll down) you can see Continue reading

Sabal Trail between SRSP and I-10 in Suwannee County, FL 2016-10-16

Signs and pipe, 30.3918 -83.152922 Does Sabal Trail think black bears can’t walk the short distance from 24th Street, Stagecoach Road, and US 90 to 199th Place? What about those fox squirrels and indigo snakes? Gopher tortoises are also more places than people might think.

And what about that sinkhole only about 200 feet from the pipeline at Pilgrim’s Pride on US 90? These two pictures were taken from the same place, looking in opposite directions:

w. to Sabal Trail, less than 200 feet from sinkhole, 30.3721680, -83.1550210 e. to huge sinkhole just s. of US 90 e. of Pilgrims Pride, 30.3720440, -83.1548290

Here are the pictures, from north to south. I actually started on Continue reading

Suwannee River Beach @ Spirit of Suwannee Music Park 2016-10-16

Stairs 30.4059372, -82.9478073 Very dry, and this was a week ago Sunday, with a bit more than 23 feet on the Nobles Ferry USGS gage. Surprisingly, the water’s not much lower now according to that gage.

Somebody asked us at Suwannee River Roots Revival: why is the Suwannee River so low? He was from the Atlantic coast of Florida, where they just had hurricanes, and didn’t realize: none of that rain fell upstream inland in Florida and Georgia up to the Okefenokee Swamp.


You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

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US 129 HDD Santa Fe River Sabal Trail 2016-10-22

South to North HDD, 29.9122530, -82.8515280 Sabal Trail plans to start drilling here in the next few days. I count three houses within the blast radius just in this picture at the Santa Fe River just east of US 129 in Suwannee and Gilchrist Counties, Florida. See also Jim Tatum’s pictures of this Santa Fe River Sabal Trail HDD location from this flight. Continue reading

From the air: US 84 HDD Withlacoochee River Sabal Trail 2016-10-22

Update 2016-10-24: Questions filed with FERC in Docket CP15-17 as Accession Number 20161024-5049 and emailed to USACE and GA-EPD (PDF).

Extreme closeup yellow in Withlacoochee River, 30.7952780, -83.4524840 What is that yellow thing in the river, Sabal Trail? Is that a sinkhole you’ve marked at the Lowndes County HDD site? And does blue pipe mean thinner for rural areas like your executive from Houston told us in WWALS v Sabal Trail & FDEP?

FERC gave you permission to Continue reading

Withlacoochee Wastewater Treatment Plant old and new 2016-10-22

Old and New WWTP and landfill, 30.8212690, -83.3581890 Uphill and farther from the river: the new Withlacoochee Wastewater Treatment plant (top left of center) seen next to the old one, the Pecan Row Landfill, and the Withlacoochee River. Come ask your questions for the entire Suwannee River basin about wastewater and flood prevention this Thursday, October 27th 2016, at the Valdosta City Hall Annex. The $60 million in fixes so far and those still in progress are a big improvement for everybody downstream to the Gulf on the Withlacoochee, Alapaha, and Suwannee Rivers, and upstream on the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail. Continue reading